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About DreamBox Math
Learn more about how students are placed in DreamBox Math, how the program recommends lessons, and DreamBox Math lessons overall.
Student Experience: Math
Learn about student learning environments and incentives, how to update student avatars, and how students track their progress.
Family Resources: Math
Learn how to set up your child for success at home, navigate your DreamBox Math family dashboard, and access additional resources.
Educator Resources: Math
Learn how to help students log in and start playing; update accounts and classrooms; and track student progress.
Acerca de DreamBox Math
Obtén más información sobre las lecciones de DreamBox Math, sobre cómo se determina el nivel de los estudiantes y sobre cómo el programa recomienda lecciones.
Experiencia del estudiante: Matemáticas
Obtén más información sobre los entornos de juego de los estudiantes y los incentivos, sobre cómo pueden cambiar sus avatares y sobre cómo los estudiantes pueden hacer un seguimiento a su progreso.
DreamBox Math para familias
Aprende a implementar DreamBox Math en casa, a navegar el panel de control para familias y a acceder a los recursos adicionales.
About Reading Plus
Explore frequently asked questions, including reading rates and student progress through the curriculum.
Family Resources: Reading Plus
Learn more about the Reading Plus program and how to set up your child for success from home.
Educator Resources: Reading Park
Learn how to log in, find the resources you need, and get help when you need it.
Student Experience: Reading Park
Learn how students log in, explore the student experience, and update sound and captions.
Family Resources: Reading Park
Learn more about the Reading Park program and how to set up your child for success from home.
System Requirements & Device Setup
Review system requirements and device setup recommendations for all DreamBox products.
Rostering Guides & FAQs
Explore rostering options for all DreamBox products, access guides for specific rostering methods, and get answers to frequently asked questions.
Authentication & Login Method Setup
Explore authentication and login methods for DreamBox products, and access setup guides.
Summer School & Back-To-School Rostering & Setup Guides
Explore rostering guides, access tips, and best practices to determine how to update existing rosters for summer school or the new school year.
DreamBox University (Educators)
Learn how to log in, explore courses and resources, and register for additional professional development.
Discovery Educator Network (DEN)
Learn how to create an account, navigate the community, and connect with other educators.
DreamBox Learning Help Center
Learn about the different features of the Help Center, and how to contact the Support Team.