Back to School: Update Rosters via DreamBox Automated Roster Management

This article walks through recommendations and tips to help you prepare and share rosters for DreamBox Math using DreamBox Automated Roster Management (ARM) system.  

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png
  • If you would like to adjust the way you update rosters for the new school year, please complete the Integrations and Access form
  • If you will use DreamBox ARM to create and update Math classroom rosters for the new school year, continue reading. 


Back-To-School Preparation

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: DreamBox Customer Support will contact you if we have questions before processing your data. It may take up to two business days to process your initial data.

Step 1: Decide when you will pause DreamBox Automated Roster Management (ARM) during the summer.

Step 2: Think about how you created your extract files last year and consider the following for this year:

  • The time of day and frequency you will send the files
  • The file format you will use (single-file or two-file)
  • Single sign-on (SSO) – we support SAML 2.0, so be sure to share SAML IDs if you want to take advantage of single sign-on (SSO)

Step 3: Determine if you will use DreamBox Math during summer school.

  • DreamBox Automated Roster Management (ARM) must be paused while you set up summer school
  • Summer school files must be sent through DreamBox Insight Roster Upload in order to keep the classrooms from the school year active

Step 4: Email your DreamBox representative the following information:

  • Your DreamBox Automated Roster Management (ARM) start and pause dates
  • Summer school start and end dates (if applicable)
  • The date you want to launch DreamBox for the new school year
  • Relevant IT personnel contact information 


Setting Up Your ARM Sync

Step 1: Read our knowledge article Loading Rosters: DreamBox Automated Roster Management to review this method.

Step 2: Determine which file format you want to use this year and set up your data extract. There are two file format options.

Step 3: After you have determined your file format and set up your data extract:

  • Determine which classes/sections in your Student Information System (SIS) should have access to DreamBox Math.
  • Determine whether students/teachers/administrators will log in via single sign-on (SSO) or the DreamBox Direct login.
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: Single sign-on (SSO) is available to districts who use a SAML 2.0 authentication method.
  • Contact your DreamBox representative to confirm you would like to set up and update classrooms using DreamBox Automated Roster Management (ARM) and schedule a phone call to receive the SFTP credentials.


Prepare Your Files

Include only the schools, classrooms, teachers, and students who need access to DreamBox Math. Review the data to ensure the following is true:

  • All classrooms have been assigned teachers and grade levels.
  • All students have designated grade levels.
  • All teachers have email addresses.
  • All administrators who need DreamBox access are included in the extract.
  • If using the single-file format, all school, classroom, and educator objects are included.
  • If using single sign-on (SSO), your SAML IDs are being shared.
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: Always send a complete roster file. Because each new file replaces the roster information from the previous file, you’ll want to ensure that each file sync has complete rosters so that users do not temporarily lose access to DreamBox.


What to do After Your Files are Prepared

Step 1: Send your files to DreamBox through our SFTP site. DreamBox Customer Support will contact you to confirm we received your files and review your data.

Step 2: After DreamBox Customer Support confirms your classrooms are active and your data is ready to review, log in to your DreamBox Math dashboard to verify the rosters are correct.

  • Notify all IT and curriculum stakeholders to review the rosters in DreamBox Math and make sure they are ready for teachers and students.
  • If using single sign-on (SSO), log in as a teacher and student to verify there are no login issues.
  • If you need to make any changes to your rosters, update your files and notify DreamBox Customer Support. If you have specific circumstances that prevent you from making roster adjustments via DreamBox Automated Roster Management (ARM), contact Client Support.

Step 3: Share our DreamBox Automated Roster Management (ARM) Do’s and Don’ts with your teachers. Click here to view the article.


Best Practices

Login Information

  • Educator (teacher and administrator) accounts are created based on the email address listed for the user. Student accounts are created based on the unique student ID. If a student is removed, relisting them in subsequent automated roster file creates an entirely new account.
  • Be sure to clearly communicate the teacher and student login method to your staff. If using single sign-on (SSO), make sure teachers know how to access student login credentials, and can equip students to successfully log in at home using these credentials.

Classroom Setup Information

  • Classroom names will appear as they are listed in your automated roster file.
  • If you have students/sections which need DreamBox access and do not appear in your Student Information System (SIS), contact DreamBox Client Support.

Sync Information

  • You may share your file(s) daily, weekly, or as needed. Once you decide on your preferred syncing schedule, notify Client Support so they can plan accordingly. DreamBox recommends you send files nightly, Sunday through Thursday.
  • Roster updates synced via DreamBox Automated Roster Management (ARM) will appear in DreamBox the following business day. The DreamBox Customer Support team reviews district updates daily, adding an additional level of data validation.
  • If an update appears to be out of the ordinary, we will reach out directly to your IT team. Designate a representative at your school or district who can answer questions regarding the automated roster file and make sure the DreamBox Customer Support team has their contact information.

If you have any questions, please contact DreamBox Customer Support


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