Closed-Captions in DreamBox Reading Park

DreamBox offers closed-captions as an option in the Reading Park student environments to boost student understanding as they play and complete lessons. Closed-captions are especially helpful for hearing-impaired students or students without access to headphones so they can read the instructional text on their screen.

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Looking for information about closed-captions in DreamBox Math? Click here to open more information. 


How Do I Turn Closed-Captions On or Off?

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note:
  • Educators and Learning Guardians can't turn closed captions off or on for students from their dashboards, so students will need to control closed captions from the student environment.
  • As a student, you can select captions with or without background audio. The lesson and character voices will continue to be heard with the background audio off.

Students can adjust the music, sound, and captions settings in the Reading student environments based on their learning preferences. 

To adjust the audio and closed-captions (CC) settings:

  • Click the Settings button. The Settings window opens.
Reading Park_Student Environment_Settings Button.png
  • In the Settings window, click the toggles beneath Music, Sound, and Captions to turn these settings on or off. 
All Settings ON All Settings OFF
Reading Park_Student Environment_All Settings ON.png Reading Park_Student Environment_All Settings OFF.png
  • When satisfied with the settings, click the check mark to confirm the choices and return to the student environment.  


What Content Is Captioned?

Currently, all K-2 Reading Park lessons and academic videos for all student environments will have captions. Some, but not all, games have captions.



Q: Does closed-captioning work on all devices?

A: Yes, it does.

Q: Will DreamBox remember my student's audio and closed caption settings?

A: Yes, both programs will keep the last setting the student chose after they logged in.


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