DreamBox Insight Roster Upload: Possible Errors When Uploading Files

After uploading an Educator or Student/Classroom spreadsheet you may see that the file contains errors. Errors highlight any formatting issues, conflicting data, or missing data in the spreadsheet. 

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All errors must be fixed before you can upload and submit the file successfully. 

Possible Spreadsheet Errors

The table below lists all possible errors that the system will identify, what the error means, and how to resolve it. 

 Error Name What Does the Error Mean?  Fixing the Error
Incorrect File Type The uploaded file was saved as the wrong file format type. Roster files need to end in ".csv". 
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn more about how to save the spreadsheet as a CSV file. 


Incorrect or Missing Column Header The column names in one or more of the column headers at the top of the spreadsheet do not match the column names on the template. 
  • Make sure the first row in your file matches the template exactly.
  • If you decide to leave a column blank, you still need to include the column and the column header in your spreadsheet. 
No Data The uploaded file contained a header row but no educator or student and classroom information. You may have uploaded an earlier saved version of your spreadsheet before you added your roster information. 
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to explore troubleshooting options and/or learn more about how to add specific student and educator data.
Missing Column(s) The uploaded file is missing one or more required columns. 

Make sure the file you uploaded:

  • Has the same number of columns as the template file
  • Each column header name is exactly the same as the column header in the template.
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn more about how to troubleshoot and address the cause of this error in your file. 
Different Columns From Template The system cannot confirm if the uploaded file contains all of the required columns. This is usually due to column header names that are different from the ones in the template. 
  • Make sure each column header name in the file you upload is exactly the same as the column header in the template.
  • Click here to learn more about how to troubleshoot and address the cause of the error in your file. 
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png If you keep seeing this error, Try downloading a new, clean spreadsheet template, removing the sample rows, and copying and pasting your rostering information into the new template.  
School Name Missing One or more rows in the file do not contain a school name in the School Name column. 

Any rows in the file missing a school name are listed in the Error window along with the names of all schools in your district in DreamBox.

  • In each row missing a school name, add the correct name of the missing school in the empty cell.
School Name Not Allowed The spreadsheet contains the name of a school you are not associated with in DreamBox. This means you do not have permission to create or edit rosters for that school. Each row that shows the name of a school that you are unable to edit is listed in the error window.
  • Review the names of these schools.
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn more about what kinds of permissions exist in DreamBox and what to do if your permissions need to be adjusted. 
New School Name Not Allowed The file contains at least one school name that could be a different version of the name of a school that already exists in DreamBox. School names on spreadsheets must exactly match the current name of the same school in our system.  Each row that shows the name of a school that is slightly different from a school that already exists in your district in DreamBox is listed in the error window. The name of each existing school is listed as well.
  • Find the school name in each highlighted row
  • Compare it with the available school names
  • Edit the school name as needed. 
Classroom Name Missing There are rows in the file that are missing a classroom name in the DreamBox Math Classroom Name column.  Make sure each row listed in the error window shows a classroom name in the DreamBox Math Classroom Name column.
Educator Email Incorrectly Formatted One or more educator emails in the file are missing a required part of a valid email address. 

Review and edit all educator email addresses in each row listed in the error window. 

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn more about what elements are part of all valid email addresses.

Educator Email Missing

One or more rows in the file are missing an educator email address.  Add an educator email address to each row listed in the error window. 
Duplicate Educator Email One or more educator email address is listed twice for at least two differed educators in the file.  The error window lists all rows showing duplicate educator email addresses.
  • Review each row and identify which educator the email address should be associated with.
  • Update the rows showing duplicate emails to the correct email address for the listed educator/s.

Educator First Name Missing

One or more rows in the file are missing an educator's first name.  The error window lists all rows missing an educator's first name.
  • Add the educator's first name inside each blank cell in the Teacher first name column.
  • Make sure it is not more than 42 characters long. 
Educator Last Name Missing One or more rows in the file are missing an educator's last name.  The error window lists all rows missing an educator's last name.
  • Add the educator's first name inside each blank cell in the Teacher last name column.
  • Make sure it is not more than 32 characters long. 
Student First Name Missing One or more rows in the file are missing a student's first name.  The error window lists all rows missing a student's first name.
  • Add the students's first name inside each blank cell in the Student first name column.
  • Make sure it is not more than 32 characters long. 
Student Last Name or Initial Missing One or more rows in the file are missing a student's last name or initial.  The error window lists all rows missing a student's last name or initial.
  • Add the student's first name inside each blank cell in the Student last name column.
  • Make sure it is not more than 32 characters long. 

Duplicate School Student ID

One or more students with different first and last names are listed with the same student ID number on the file. Every student in DreamBox must have a unique student ID. The error window lists all student IDs that are used more than once for different students, including each row where they can be found.
  • Review the students showing the same student ID number
  • Verify which student is correct
  • Edit the student ID in any other row listed in the error window.
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School Student ID Missing One or more students in the file are missing a unique student ID.  The error window lists all rows missing a student ID number.
  • Add the correct Student ID number inside each blank cell in the School Student ID column.
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Student Initial Placement Level not Supported One or more cells in the Initial Placement column are showing a placement level that is not supported in our system.  You can leave this column blank or enter a supported value in each blank cell in the Initial Placement column.

If you do want to add initial placement, use one of these numbers:
  • -1 = PreK
  • 0 = Kindergarten 
  • 1-12 = 1st – 12th grade  
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn more about initial placement in DreamBox.
Student Grade Level Missing One or more students in the file are missing a grade level in the Grade column. The error window lists all rows missing a student grade. 
  • Add the correct grade level inside each blank cell in the Grade column, using one of these numbers:
    • -1 = PreK
    • 0 = Kindergarten 
    • 1-12 = 1st – 12th grade 

Student Grade Level Not Supported

One or more students are showing a grade level in the Grade column that is not supported in our system.  The error window lists all rows showing an unsupported grade level.
  • Add the correct grade level in the Grade column inside each highlighted row using these numbers:
    • -1 = PreK
    • 0 = Kindergarten 
    • 1-12 = 1st – 12th grade 

Educator First Name Too Long

One or more educators in the file are showing a first name that is too long. Our reports require first names to have no more than 42 characters. The error window lists all rows showing an educator's first name that is too long.
  • Shorten each name to 42 characters or less. 

Educator Last Name Too Long

One or more educators in the file are showing a last name that is too long. Our reports require last names to have no more than 32 characters.  The error window lists all rows showing an educator's last name that is too long.
  • Shorten each name to 32 characters or less. 

Student First Name Too Long

One or more students in the file are showing a first name that is too long. Our student experience requires first names to have no more than 32 characters. The error window lists all rows showing a student's first name that is too long. 
  • Shorten each name to 32 characters or less. 

Student Last Name Too Long

One or more students in the file are showing a last name that is too long. Our student experience requires last names to have no more than 32 characters. The error window lists all rows showing a student's last name that is too long.
  • Shorten each name to 32 characters or less. 

School Name Too Long

One or more schools in the file are showing a school name that is too long. Our reports require school names to have no more than 255 characters. The error window lists all rows showing a school name that is too long. Shorten each name to 255 characters or less. 

Multiple School Addresses

One or more schools with the same name in the file are showing different addresses. The error window lists all rows showing a school with a different address.

Do one of the following:
  • Ensure each row for a school has the same address
  • Leave all school address cells blank except for the cell in the first row.
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Password Too Long

One or more passwords in the file are too long. Our system requires passwords to be 20 characters or less.  The error window lists all rows showing a password that is too long.
  • Shorten each password to 20 characters or less. 


Additional Resources

  • To see all possible spreadsheet warnings, click here. 
  • To see an overview of the Insight Roster Upload process, click here.
  • Click here to learn more about how to download and review all errors and warnings for a file after you upload the spreadsheet. 
  • If you continue to have difficulty uploading your rosters, please reach out to DreamBox Customer Support


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