DreamBox Math: Lesson Recommendations for Educators

DreamBox Lesson Recommendations is available to customers with the Advanced subscription package.

Lesson Recommendations helps educators quickly assess and support their students’ progress in DreamBox during the current week by providing data that informs three questions:

target.png Where is each student working now?
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Where does each student need to go next?
DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Workshop Model.png Which students are ready to work together?


Accessing Lesson Recommendations

Step 1: Open the Home page.

  • Teachers: Click Home in the Top Navigation Pane.


  • Administrators: If you don’t see a Home icon on your dashboard, you can open a teacher’s Home page by clicking open Home View from the Reports page. Click here to learn more about how to view a teacher’s Home page.



Step 2: Navigate to Lesson Recommendations by opening the Home page for a single student. You can do this in one of two ways:

  • Use the Navigation Filters: Select the classroom and student you wish to view in the filters at the top of the page. 



  • Select a Student: Click the name of the student you wish to view in the Student Usage table.



Exploring Lesson Recommendations

After you open the single-student view of the Home page, you will see Lesson Recommendations near the top of the page. The first layer of Lesson Recommendations shows you exactly which standard domains and lesson groups a student is working on.

Note: If the student is a K-5 student who has played at least three weeks in DreamBox prior to the 1st of the month of the current school year, you will see a prediction at the top of the Home page.

Selecting the Standard Domain and Active Lesson Group

  • Click the Domain names to see which lesson groups the student is playing.
  • The Lesson Groups will update, showing which lesson groups the student is working on for the selected domain. 


In the example above, the teacher has selected the domain Geometry and the student is playing a lesson that is part of the Classifying Geometric Figures lesson group. You can also see the May Need Attention alert is visible for this student on multiple domains.

View Student Proficiency, Available Lessons, and Play Sample Lessons

In the second layer of Lesson Recommendations, teachers can see what lessons each student should work on next to create the most effective path to proficiency and growth. 

After you have selected the standard Domain and Lesson Group you want to explore, click View to see which lessons the student is playing in that group. A pop-up window appears, showing:

  • The name of the lesson group and associated standards.
  • The student’s overall concept proficiency for the group.
  • Which lessons the student can see and choose in DreamBox within the group.


You can learn more about the available lessons by doing the following:

  • Click Play Lesson to open and play a demo lesson in English.
  • Click the link in the Lesson Type column to learn more about the type of lessons the student is playing, as well as what types of lessons are available in DreamBox overall, including:
    • The purpose of each type
    • Which dynamic student learning tasks are associated with each type
    • The best practices for how to support students for each type



Which students are working in the same Lesson Group?

Click the down-arrow (“V”) to see all students who are playing lessons in this group. You can use this information to determine which students could be part of an instructional group focusing on these lesson concepts.



Lesson Recommendation FAQs

Q: How does DreamBox Math come up with these recommendations?

A: DreamBox Math's Intelligent Adaptive Learning™ engine automatically provides truly individualized and differentiated lessons for every student by adapting learning paths, scaffolding, and pacing based on each student’s unique needs. As students work through lessons using our interactive virtual manipulatives, DreamBox Math captures, analyzes, and responds to each student’s decisions, answers, and problem-solving strategies. Our continuous assessment responds formatively and summatively to facilitate students’ math development. The goal is to ensure students are continually challenged enough to stay interested but not too challenged to become frustrated. Lesson Recommendations provides a real-time view of the Intelligent Adaptive Learning™ engine’s recommendations for any given student. 


Q: How does DreamBox Math select the available lessons for students?

A: Lesson Recommendations provides educators with the set of lessons DreamBox Math is currently recommending to Students on their Lesson Chooser and concepts the student is “ready to learn”. This data is all provided by DreamBox Math's Intelligent Adaptive Learning™ engine.


Q: What if students have not played during the current week? Will I still see Lesson Recommendations?

A: As long as students have played 2-3 lessons in DreamBox Math, you will be able to see Lesson Recommendations on the Home page.


Q: How quickly will lesson recommendations appear when students first start playing DreamBox Math?

A: Students should start seeing recommendations after completing 1-2 lessons.


Q: My students have played at least 1-2 lessons in DreamBox Math. Why am I not seeing Lesson Recommendations?

A: There are two reasons you may not be seeing Lesson Recommendations.

  1. Lesson Recommendations is available to clients that purchased the Advanced subscription package. If your site or district did not purchase this package, you will not be able to see Lesson Recommendations or the other Advanced subscription package features. 
  2. If you do have access to Advanced package reporting and your students have completed enough lessons overall, check the selected timeframe on your Home page. Lesson Recommendations is designed to provide recommendations based on what students are currently working on. If you have selected Last Week on your Home Page you will not see recommendations. Adjust the timeframe to This Week to see if there are any recommended lessons for any of your students. 


Q: Why is the proficiency percentage in Lesson Recommendations different from the percentage shown in the Standards metric in the Impact Report?

A: The lesson proficiency percentages shown in Lesson Recommendations and the Standards metric in the Impact Report may not be the same for two reasons:

  1. A student’s proficiency in a lesson group may not be the same as their overall proficiency in a standard.
  2. Lesson Recommendations is aligned with DreamBox Learning Units. Your Impact Report will show student standards gained based on the standards you have selected. To see DreamBox Math Learning Units in the Impact Report, close the report, select DreamBox Learning Units on the Reports page, and open the Impact Report again.


Q: I am a parent of a student who uses DreamBox Math through their school. Can I see Lesson Recommendations?

A: Not at this time.


Q: I purchased DreamBox Math for my child to use at home. Can I see Lesson Recommendations?

A: Not at this time.

DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Constantly learning_50px.png Note: The available lessons correspond to what students would see in their Lesson Chooser. 



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