DreamBox Math: The Growth Report (Educators)

Use the Growth Report to see exactly where students are in the DreamBox Math curriculum and track their growth over time. From the Growth Report, you can:

rtaImage_eid_ka24X0000019Lzg_feoid_00N80000005bUYa_refid_0EM4X000006p1Yr.png See student progress via daily report updates.
rtaImage_eid_ka24X0000019Lzg_feoid_00N80000005bUYa_refid_0EM4X000006p1Yw.png Set the report to show your mathematical domains according to state standards.
rtaImage_eid_ka24X0000019Lzg_feoid_00N80000005bUYa_refid_0EM4X000006p1Z1.png Track student growth at the student, class, teacher, grade, school, or district levels.


Growth Report Basics

When is the Growth Report Visible?

The Growth Report will begin in educator dashboards on the first day of the school year (as it is recorded in DreamBox Math).

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png The Reports page will show the previous year’s school dates until the first day of your new school year. Questions about the school start and stop dates, or report visibility? Jump to the FAQ section of the article

How often is the Growth Report Updated? 

Students' current growth data is updated overnight, every night of the school year. The Data As Of date in the upper-right corner of the report shows when the report was last updated.

Growth Report_Data As Of.png

Is there a metrics overview or embedded tips in the report?

Yes! There are two ways to review key report metrics or see tips from inside the Growth report.

Click the Learn More tab to open and review report calculations, including growth, grade-level standing, and proficiency definitions. 

Updated Growth Report_Learn More Tab.png

You can also roll over the question mark icons embedded throughout the report to get more information about a metric, graph, or table. 

Updated Growth Report_Question mark icon.png

Click the image to enlarge it


Opening and Closing the Report

To open the Growth Report:

  • Choose Reports in the Top Navigation Pane.

Dashboard_Navigation Pane_Rebranded_Reports Shape.png

  • On the Growth Report tile, either click Select or the tile itself. 

Growth Report Update_New Tile.png

  • To close the report and return to the Reports Page, click Close Report in the top right corner of the report.

Growth Report_Close Report.png


Growth Report Metrics

The Growth report data tracks changes in a student's competency as they play and complete DreamBox Math lessons, even if the student has not achieved full proficiency.

What do the numbers on the grid represent?

The metrics on the Growth report translate DreamBox proficiency data into grade-level equivalencies that correspond with the associated grade level, rounded to the nearest tenth. 

How is DreamBox Growth calculated?

To determine a student’s overall growth to date, the Growth report compares a student’s starting proficiency level (Initial Standing) with their current proficiency level (Current Standing).



Current Standing

Where is the student now in the DreamBox curriculum?  


Initial Standing

Where did the student begin this year in the DreamBox curriculum?

How is a student's Initial Standing determined?

  • Launchpad districts: Students complete the Launchpad placement assessment. 
  • Non-Launchpad districts: Students complete one lesson with demonstrated understanding. 
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png
  • Click here to learn more about how a student's initial standing is determined in DreamBox Math. 
  • Click here to learn more about the DreamBox Math Launchpad placement assessment. 

Grade Level Standing

In addition to students' growth over time, you can also see where students are working relative to their rostered (or enrolled) grade level.  Across the selected group of students (at a district, school, grade, teacher, or classroom level) the Grade Level Standing graph shows the proportion of students working in three categories:

Below Grade Level

These students are working through content to address identified learning gaps.


Near Grade Level

These students are learning and practicing math concepts near or at their rostered grade level.


At/Above Grade Level

These students are working on lessons that are at or above their rostered grade level. 
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: Please keep in mind that "grade level" is dynamic target throughout the school year. Students could be working through Math concepts at the beginning of their rostered grade level or content that is closer to the grade level above it. 


Current Growth Target

You can also see how much students have grown compared to the growth target of one grade level. Students who play DreamBox Math lessons at least 5 times per week are more likely to hit or exceed this target


Below Growth Target

Under the Current Growth Target listed on the Growth Report page.


At/Above Growth Target

Equal to or greater than the Current Growth Target listed on the Growth Report page.


Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: This measures if students are meeting or exceeding the growth target, not if they are proficient in grade-level standards. 


What do the numbers on the classroom and student-level growth grid represent?

The metrics on the Growth report translate DreamBox proficiency data into grade-level equivalencies that correspond with the associated grade level, rounded to the nearest tenth. 

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Example: 3.0 in the Growth report = beginning of 3rd-grade level and proficient in all 2nd-grade level concepts. 


Understanding the Growth Report Layout

Report filters default to show student growth data at your highest level of permissions in DreamBox Math:

  • District
  • School/s & Teacher/s
  • Classroom/s & Student/s

You can also switch between the Trends and Grade & Domain view. Each element of the report visualizes student growth data in different ways.

Updated Growth Report_General Navigation.png

Click the image to enlarge it

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: The current month's growth data updates each night. Growth for the current month will be captured at the end of the last day of the current month. 


Growth Trends View

View student growth trends over time at the district, school, teacher, and classroom levels.

Growth Trends at the District, School & Teacher Level

Updated Growth Report_District Trends View.png

Click the image to enlarge it


Growth by Grade and Domain View

Explore the breakdown of placed students' growth data by grade level and domain. 

Overall Growth by Grade & Domain (no grade level selected)

Updated Growth Report_District.School.Teacher.png

Click the image to enlarge it

Overall Growth by Grade & Domain (grade level selected)

Updated Growth Report_School Domain.png

Click the image to enlarge it


Growth at the Individual Classroom and Student Level

Individual Classroom Level

Updated Growth Report_Classroom Growth View.png

Click the image to enlarge it

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png You will not see data for students who haven't been placed. Their row will be solid. 

Individual Student Level

Updated Growth Report_Individual Student Growth View.png

Click the image to enlarge it


Printing & Exporting the Report

Printing the Report

At the higher levels of the report, educators can print what they are viewing on the Growth report (overview option). At the student level or the report, educators can print data for a single student or all the students in a classroom (batch printing option). 

District, School, Teacher, and Classroom Level (Overview Only)

  • Open the Growth report and use the filters to select the data you wish to view.
  • Click the Print button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. 
  • Follow the prompts on your device to adjust and print the report.

Growth Report_Print Button.png

Student Level (Single Student or Batch Option)

  • Use the filters to select the student data you wish to view.
  • Click the Print Options button to either print the report for the student you are viewing, or print the report for all students in the classroom. 
  • Follow the prompts on your device to adjust and print the report/s.

Growth Report_Student Level_Batch Print.png

DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Constantly learning_50px.png

Family Communication Tip: To share student progress with families, use the batch print function to print the report for each student. Click this link to open a family guide to the Growth report, and send both resources home. (You will need to sign into DreamBox University to download the resource)


Exporting the Report

To download an Excel version of the growth data you are viewing:

  • Open the report and use the filters to select the data you wish to view.
  • Click the Export icon to download the data. The report will export and open in CSV format.
  • After it is downloaded you can open the report to review the data or pull the report into a district data warehouse to compare with other district data. 

Growth Report_Export Button.png


Growth Report FAQs

Q: Why can’t I see the Growth Report tile on the Reports page?

 A: The Growth report tile will be visible on the Reports page on the first day of the new school year. If the previous school year has ended and the new school year hasn't started, the Growth report won't be visible. Check your school start and stop dates on the Reports page. If they are not correct, please reach out to our Customer Support Team

DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Constantly learning_50px.png The Reports page will show the previous year’s school dates until the first day of your new school year.


Q: For some of my students I do not see any data on the Growth report - I see "Student not placed, Launchpad has not been completed". What does this mean?

 A: This means the Launchpad placement assessment has been enabled in your district. The students that are showing this message need to complete Launchpad to earn an initial standing on the Growth report.

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn more about the Launchpad placement assessment.  

If you chose to opt these students out of Launchpad, their growth data  will not appear on the Growth report. If you would like to have these students complete Launchpad, please reach out to DreamBox Customer Support and request they be opted in. 


Q: Why can't I update filters inside the report to see a custom group I created? 

 A: To see custom groups in the Usage report, select Groups from the Reports page before you open the report. If you don't do this before opening the Usage report, you will not be able to see or move between your custom groups.

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to open directions to set Group filters and see additional FAQs. 


Q: Why do I see different average lessons on the Growth and Usage report?

 A: This is likely due to the selected timeframe on the Usage report. The Growth report reflects Year To Date data overall, vs the data in a selected date range (which is possible on the Usage report).


Q: Is a student ‘placed’ in the Growth report if they log in over the summer?

 A: The Growth report will only capture data during your school/district's calendar year dates. If a student logs in and plays DreamBox Math over the summer, they will still be placed on the Growth report after they complete a lesson with proficiency and/or complete the Launchpad assessment after the first day of the new school year.

Q: What happens to student growth data if Launchpad is activated in the middle of the school year?

A: When Launchpad is enabled, the data source for each student's Initial Standing is changed and therefore growth metrics need to be recalculated. The Growth report will not show any growth from their start of school date through when they enable Launchpad. Students' Initial Standing level will be calculated upon completion of Launchpad and then growth will begin calculating from this point. Proficiency data on additional DreamBox Math reports is preserved, however.

Q: Will lessons done on the same day my student completes Launchpad count toward their growth?

A: At this time growth is measured daily. If a student completes Launchpad on Monday and then completes 10 additional lessons in that same day, those 10 lessons are not counted toward that student’s growth. 

Q: Should grade-level standing percentages always equal 100%?

A: The percentages shown in the report are rounded to a whole number when standing percentages are calculated. The actual calculation will always add to 100%, but the total rounded percentages may not. 

For example: 44.4% + 39.2% +16.4% would round to 44% + 39% + 16% to = 99%


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