DreamBox Math: The Impact Report (Educators)

The Impact Report provides two different ways to explore how much students are learning as they play DreamBox Math.


Impact Report Basics

How often does the Impact Report update?

Starting at the beginning of your school year, the Impact Report updates after the first of every month. All data in the report is cumulative, which means each month you will see the strides your students have made from the beginning of the school year up to the current month.

When will I see new data in the Impact Report after the school year starts? 

The Impact Report will update on the first day of the month after your district's first day of the new school year.

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Example: If the first day of school for your district is September 5th, your Impact Report would update for the first time on October 1st. 

Opening and Closing the Report

To open the DreamBox Impact Report:

  • Choose Reports in the Top Navigation pane.
    Dashboard_Navigation Pane_Rebranded_Reports Shape.png

  • Click Select or the entire DreamBox Impact tile. 
Impact Report_Select Impact Tile.png

To close the report and return to the Reports page, click Close Report, located in the top right corner of the report.

Impact Report_Close Report_Shape.png

Impact Report Metrics

The Impact Report tracks student progress using two different metrics that complement each other: 



Track the progress of your students through the DreamBox curriculum.  As students complete and show proficiency in lessons – no matter the grade level – their Progress continues to improve showing their mastery of DreamBox’s lessons. Track how many standards students have demonstrated proficiency for since the beginning of the school year, regardless of the grade level. 
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png The Progress and Standards metrics only include lessons students have completed with demonstrated understanding.

The report data for each metric is broken down based on average student lesson completion per week, which is grouped into three categories:

  • 0 to 2 or fewer lessons per week 
  • More than 2 to fewer than 5 lessons per week 
  • 5 or more lessons per week
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Completing 5 lessons per week is the recommended usage for DreamBox Math.


Understanding the Report Layout

The layout of the report is the same regardless of which metric, month, or student group is selected in the filters (school, teacher, or classroom).​​​​​​ However, each metric is calculated, broken down, and displayed differently in the report. 

  • Progress: Broken down via percentages (whole numbers only)
  • Standards: Broken down via Standard count (Rounded to the hundredth and tenth places)
Impact Report_Report Layout.png

Printing and Exporting the Report

Printing the Report

Use the Print button to generate a printer-friendly image of the report. 
  • Open the report and use the filters to select the data you wish to view.
  • Click the Print button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. 
  • Follow the prompts on your device to adjust and print the report.
Impact Report_Print Button.png
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: Some internet browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox, have a setting that may prevent the proficiency chart from printing. Click here. to open instructions to change the setting.

Exporting the Report

To download an Excel version of the Distribution table:

  • Open the report and use the filters to select the data you wish to view.
  • Click the Export icon to download the data.
Impact Report_Export Button.png

Impact Report FAQs

Q: Why can't I filter the report for custom groups I created? 

A: To see custom groups in the Impact report, select Groups from the Reports page before you open the report. If you don't do this before opening the report, you will not be able to see or move between your custom groups.

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png

Click here to open directions to set Group filters and see additional FAQs. 


Q: How does the Proficiency Standard display in the dashboard affect the Impact Report metrics?

A: All DreamBox Math lessons are aligned to multiple sets of academic Math standards. The set of academic standards, or Proficiency Standards, displayed in the Insight Dashboard affects the metrics on the report. If you select a different Proficiency Standard on the Reports page and then open the Impact Report, you may see different numbers in each metric because how students progress through standards is dependent on the lesson standard alignment. Not all standards have the same amount of aligned lessons.

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png
  • Click here to learn more about how to adjust which standards you see in the report.
  • Click here to learn more about which standards the DreamBox curriculum is aligned with. 


Q: Why are the Impact Report metrics broken down to visualize progress based on how often students complete lessons?

A: Consistent usage is the strongest determiner of student progress. Breaking down each metric by how often students are completing lessons allows educators to see how student usage is impacting student progress. Educators are able to see how their students are growing in their mathematical journey and which groups of students may need additional time and support. 

Q: How is the Standards metric different from the Standards Proficient metric from the Legacy Dashboard? 
(Impact Report Metric)
Standards Proficient
(Legacy Dashboard Metric)
  • Shows Standards gained during a school year as the year progresses. As a result, the Standards metric is always aligned with the Progress metrics.
  • Students can achieve proficiency in a standard based on the system’s assessment of their completion of any combination of lessons aligned to that standard.
  • Standard Proficiency is earned once by a student, which improves the internal alignment with the Student and Classroom Standards report.
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png
  • Click here to learn more about the Student and Classroom Standards report. 
  • Click here to learn more about the Standards Proficiency report. 
  • Was calculated by the selected date range, so the metric didn’t always align with other dashboard reports. 
  • In order for a student to have been considered Proficient, they had to complete a lesson aligned to the final objective inside a standard. 
  • If a student earned Proficiency in a standard and then additional lessons and objectives were added to the DreamBox curriculum, the student could re-earn Proficiency in the same standard again.
Q: Why do some students who have completed the same amount of lessons show very different progress and standards gained?

A: These students had different starting points in the DreamBox Math curriculum and aligned standards.


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