DreamBox Math School Family: My Student's Username or Password Isn't Working

This article focuses on next steps if your child sees the error "20010: Incorrect username or password. Please try again" when trying to sign into DreamBox Math. 

(Aviso: Pulsa aquí para leer el artículo en español)

What does this login error mean?

If your child tries to log into DreamBox Math and sees the error: "20010: Incorrect username or password. Please try again", It means that the username or password your child used does not match the username or password set in DreamBox Math.

What should I do when we see this error?

Contact your child's teacher to get the correct username and password.

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png DreamBox Customer Support does not have access to student login information and will not be able to confirm or provide new student login credentials. 



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