DreamBox Math: Introduce DreamBox to Students (Educators)

Educators can access several introduction resources from their Math educator dashboard, including a sample kickoff lesson and student introduction videos. To find and review the resources, follow the directions below. 


Student Introduction Resources

Kickoff Lesson Student Introduction Videos Launchpad Implementation Guide (Teachers)

Open a kickoff lesson PDF in DreamBox University.

DreamBox Math Kickoff Lesson PDF.png

Open videos introducing students to DreamBox Math in English and Spanish. 

DreamBox Math intro videos page.png

(For the Advanced subscription package only)

Learn more about how to set up students and use the Launchpad. 

Teacher Launchpad Implementation guide.png


Open Introduction Resources

  • Log in to your educator dashboard and select the i icon (information). The image below is of the Reports page. 

Math_Getting Started_I icon.png

  • When the menu opens, select Kickoff a New Year with DreamBox.

Math_Getting Started_Select Kickoff Year.png

  •  Select the resource you want to open. 

Math_Getting Started_Kickoff menu.png


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