DreamBox Math: The Dashboard Usage Report (Educators)

As a district or school-level administrator, you can analyze teacher usage, review trends over time, and find teacher usage patterns across schools or grade levels in the Dashboard Usage Report.


Opening and Closing the Report

To open the Dashboard Usage Report:

  • Click Reports on the Top Navigation pane. If needed, adjust the filters at the top of the page. 
  • On the Dashboard Usage tile, click Select or the tile itself. 
  • To close the report and return to the Reports Page, click Close Report in the top right corner of the report.

Filtering the Dashboard Usage Report

Use the filters and links to quickly find, sort, and review specific teacher usage data. 

Navigation Filters

Adjust the Month, Grade, and School filters at the top of the report page. The page will adjust as soon as you select a specific month, grade level, or school. Keep in mind that your permissions in DreamBox determine which schools and teachers you are able to see. 


After you select a specific month, the report will show the selected date range in the top right corner. If you select the current month, the date range will be the first day of the current month to yesterday.

To change the filtered view, either adjust the navigation drop-downs or select one of the “breadcrumb” links at the top of the page. 



Overall Metrics and the Dashboard Usage Table 

Depending on your DreamBox permissions you will see one of the following overview metrics when you open the report. 

District or Multiple-School Permissions Single-School Permissions
If you have access to the entire district or multiple schools in the district, you can filter the report to see teacher data for specific schools. This includes:
  • Overall District Metrics OR the overall combined School Metrics for the schools you have access to. 
  • Dashboard Usage by School Table
If you have access to view a single school in DreamBox, the report will default to show you metrics for all teachers at that school. This includes:
  • Overall School Metrics
  • Dashboard Usage by Teacher Table

The next sections of this article will break down the information available in the District/Multi-School and Single-School views of the report. 

Overall District Metrics

As a district or multi-school administrator, you can see DreamBox Math teacher usage metrics across schools. Overall District Metrics show the overall usage data for the total number of teachers connected to an active classroom in DreamBox Math. 


 What do the Overall District Metrics mean?
Total Teachers Logging In 
Total Teachers is the total number of teachers at all schools who are connected to at least one active classroom in DreamBox that contains one or more students.  Logging In shows the percentage of Total Teachers at all schools who have logged in at least once during the selected date range, and how many individual teachers at all schools have done so. 
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: DreamBox recommends teachers log in at least one time per week. This ensures they can monitor student progress, identify struggling students, and respond to student messages. Teachers who regularly log in to the dashboard typically see higher student usage in their classrooms, driving student growth.


Dashboard Usage by School 

The Dashboard Usage by School table is just below the Overall District Metrics section, showing the usage data for the total number of teachers at all schools.

You can sort the table data in a variety of ways:



What do the metrics in each column of the table mean?

Rostered Logging In Avg Logins Total Logins
The Rostered column shows the total number of teachers at all schools who are connected to at least one active classroom containing one or more students at the last date reflected in the selected date range.  The Logging In column shows the number of teachers who have logged in at least once during the selected date range at each school. It also shows the percentage of teachers logging in during the date range for that school.  The Avg Logins column shows the total number of teacher logins divided by the total number of teachers.  The Total Logins column shows the total number of logins across all Total Teachers for the listed school during the selected date range. 

Note: This metric focuses on daily use vs the number of times a day a teacher logs in. If a teacher logs in 5 times in one day it only counts as 1 login in this metric. 
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: For a reminder of where each metric comes from, roll over the ? at the top of each metric column.


Overall School Metrics

If you only have access to a single school in DreamBox Math, the report defaults to the single-school view. The first piece of data you will see is the Overall School Metrics. This section shows the usage data for the total number of teachers at the selected school.

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: If you are a district or multi-school administrator, click a school name in the Dashboard Usage by School table to open the single-school view.

What do the Overall School Metrics mean?

Total Teachers Logging In 
Total Teachers is the total number of teachers at the selected school who are connected to at least one active classroom in DreamBox that contains one or more students. Logging In shows the percentage of Total Teachers at the school who have logged in at least once during the selected date range, and how many individual teachers have done so. 
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: DreamBox recommends teachers log in at least one time per week. This ensures they can monitor student progress, identify struggling students, and respond to student messages. Teachers who regularly log in to the DreamBox dashboard typically see higher student usage in their classrooms, which drives student growth

Dashboard Usage by Teacher

The Dashboard Usage by Teacher table is just below the Overall School Metrics section, showing the usage data for each teacher at the selected schools.

You can sort the table data in two ways:



What do the metrics in each column of the table mean?

Last Login Avg Logins/Wk Total Logins
The Last Login column shows the date of the teacher’s last login, regardless of which month is selected in the filters.
Note: This does not include the current date as the report reflects the first day of the month to yesterday. 
The Avg Logins/Wk column shows the average number of logins per week for a listed teacher.  
Note: This calculation uses the same calculation method as the Student Usage report to project an average number of teacher logins per week, even if there have only been a few days in the month.
The Total Logins column shows the total number of logins across the date range selected for a listed teacher.
Note: This metric focuses on daily use vs the number of times a day a teacher logs in. If a teacher logs in 5 times in one day it only counts as 1 login in this metric.
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: For a reminder of where each metric comes from, roll over the ? at the top of each metric column.


Printing the Report

  • Click the Print button in the top-right corner of the report to open your internet browser's printer dialogue box.

  • Edit the format in the dialogue box as needed, and then click Print.

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: Some internet browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox, have a setting that may prevent the proficiency chart from printing. For instructions to change the setting and resolve the issue, click here.


Dashboard Usage FAQs

Q: How often does this report update? 

A: The Dashboard Usage report updates nightly.

Q: What happens when I filter to a grade and a teacher has classes in multiple grades? 

A: A teacher’s login data will be repeated in any grade level that the teacher has rostered students.

Q: This report tracks teacher logins. How does DreamBox track administrator logins?  

A: This report focuses on teacher dashboard usage because we know this has a direct correlation with student usage and growth. In the future, we may add the ability to see administrator usage behavior but do not yet have an anticipated timeframe for the addition of this feature.


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