The Standards Proficiency Report offers educators a view into grade-level proficiency across the district, school, teacher, and classroom levels. This report helps educators identify trends across each grade level, successes to celebrate, and areas of concern that need support.
Note: To see each student's current standards proficiency data in a classroom or for a specific student, open the Standards Report. Click here for more information. |
Standards Proficiency in the Educator Dashboard
When is a student considered "proficient"?
A student is considered 100% proficient in a grade-level standard when they have completed every lesson associated with the standard and have demonstrated proficiency in each lesson. The number of lessons a student needs to complete will vary, depending on whether the student is flying through the content or struggling and needs additional lessons to demonstrate their understanding.
How does DreamBox Math report standards proficiency?
The Insight Dashboard includes two reports focused on standard proficiency. The student-focused Standards Report, and the new Standards Proficiency Report.
What is the difference between these reports?
Understanding the Standards Proficiency Report Layout
- Proficiency Summary View: Summary of all rostered-grade levels at the highest level of educator permissions.
- Grade-Level Proficiency View: Overview of grade-level standards across all schools, teachers, and classrooms.
Proficiency Summary View
Grade-Level Proficiency View
To see the Grade-Level Proficiency View, select a specific grade level on the Proficiency Summary view. The image below is the Grade-Level Proficiency View of a district administrator who selected the Kindergarten tile.
Proficiency Table
The Proficiency Table shows the grade-level proficiency breakdown by standard for the selected grade level across schools, teachers, or classrooms.
Inside the table, standard proficiency is indicated in one of three ways:
Icon | Progress | Meaning |
Proficient | 100% of the selected students are proficient in the standard. | |
% |
In Progress | The percentage of students who are proficient in the standard.
Not Started | No students have started working on lessons that focus on this standard. |
Opening and Closing the Report
The way you open the report changes based on the proficiency data you want to view in on the Summary page.
To see the Summary page:
- Choose Reports in the Top Navigation Pane.
- Review the Reports Page filters based on the data you want to view.
- Clear all filters to view the Proficiency Summary at the highest level of your permissions (Example: See the summary for all schools in a district, or all teachers at a school)
- Select a school and/or teacher to view the Proficiency Summary view for that school or teacher.
- Select the Standards Proficiency tile.
To close the report and return to the Reports Page, click Close Report in the top-right corner of the report.
Standards Proficiency Report: FAQs
Q: When will I be able to export the data in this report? |
A: We are currently working to finish and release the ability to export the data in the Proficiency table near or before early September.
Q: I am a district administrator, and I want to view a summary of student proficiency across grade levels for just one school is there a way to do this? |
A: Yes. From the Reports Page, select the school you wish to view in the filters at the top of the page, and then click the tile to open the report.
Q: Will standards proficiency adjust when new curriculum is released? |
A: When new curriculum and lessons are released during the middle of the school year it can create a “hole” for the student in their standards proficiency. For example, we create and release content for a brand-new third-grade standard. Every third and fourth grader would show Not Started for that standard.
After we release new lessons, we follow up to address, where appropriate, those “holes” in student standards proficiency. For example, we would fill in the Not Started third-grade standard for an eighth-grade student playing in eighth-grade content. Please note that process can take multiple days to complete, meaning your standards reporting may be out of date until the process is complete. We are working to minimize this occurrence in the 2022-2023 school year. If we do anticipate a need, we will communicate to educators through Pendo messaging. Click HERE to see frequently asked questions (FAQs) about how additional reports may be impacted by new DreamBox lessons.
Q: Will I ever be able to open the student-focused Standards report from the Standards Proficiency report? |
A: Our ultimate goal for all reports is for them to be drillable from the district level to the student level, giving educators full access to any data in their purview. At this time our Admin Standards report and Classroom Standards report are on two code bases and thus are not able to be linked together. Our ultimate goal is to update Classroom Standards to be in the same view but this will not happen for BTS 2022