The Standards Report provides detailed information on how an entire classroom or a specific student is progressing toward proficiency against the standards you have selected in your dashboard. This report allows educators to quickly identify where students have shown proficiency against academic standards across grade levels as well as monitor student progress on standards to determine if they are on track to meet their learning goals.
Proficiency in DreamBox Math
A student is considered 100% proficient with a standard when they have completed every lesson associated with a standard and demonstrated proficiency in all of those lessons. The number of lessons a student needs to complete will vary, depending on whether the student is flying through the content or struggling and needs additional lessons to demonstrate their understanding.
Click here to learn more about adjusting the standards in your dashboard. |
Opening and Closing the Report
There are several ways to open the Standards Report depending on your role. You can choose to review the standards progression of an entire classroom or a single student.
To See the Standards Report for An Entire Classroom
- Select Home in the top navigation pane.
- At the top of the page, adjust the drop-down filter to see the classroom you wish to view. Leave the Students drop-down set to All Students.
- Scroll to the Currently Playing section Alerts and click view standards report.
Note: Educators must be attached to the classroom to access and view the classroom via the Home Page. |
Select Reports in the top navigation pane.
Adjust the drop-down filters at the top of the page to select the school, teacher, and classroom you wish to view. The Reports page adjusts.
Click the Standards tile.
To See the Standards Report for a Specific Student
Select Home in the top navigation pane.
Use the filters to select a specific student. First, adjust the drop-down filter at the top of the page to see the classroom you wish to view. Second, filter the Home Page to show the progress of the student you wish to view. There are two ways to do this:
Select the student in the drop-down filters at the top of the page.
In the Student Usage section, click the name of the student.
In the Currently Playing section, click view standards report.
Select Reports in the top navigation pane.
Select a school, teacher, classroom, and student in the navigation filters. The Reports page updates to show the reports you can view.
Click the Standards tile.
Closing the Standards Report
To close the report, click Close Report in the top right corner of the screen.
Navigating the Classroom Level Standards Report
When viewing the Standards Report for an entire classroom you can choose between the Group view and the Grid view. The report will default to the Grid view. To see the Group View for your classroom, click the Group button.
In each view, the Proficient, In Progress, and Not Started circles represent student progress.
The green Proficient icon indicates a standard is complete.
The blue and white In Progress icon indicates that a standard is in progress.
The Not Started icon indicates a student has not started the standard.
The Grid View
The Grid view shows student progress through all standards within a grade level. From the Grid view you can sort students by their progress through a standard, create assignments for the whole classroom, a group of students, or an individual student, and adjust the grade level to see student progress across additional grade levels.
Navigating the Grid View
The Group View
The Group view displays a snapshot of student proficiency in all domains for the selected grade level. You can view student progress across all standards domains or click a specific tab to see how students are progressing in the domain or lesson group.
Navigating the Group View
Navigating the Student Standards Report
The Student Standards Report shows an individual student's progress by grade level through each domain and available standard. The student progress icons indicate how much a student has progressed in a particular standard.
The green Proficient icon indicates a standard is complete.
The blue and white In Progress icon indicates that a standard is in progress.
The Not Started icon indicates a student has not started the standard.
Printing and Exporting the Report
You can print and export the data on the screen using the Print and Export buttons at the top of the report.
To print the report, click Print.
To export the report, click Export.