DreamBox Math: The Student Overview Report (Educators)

The Student Overview Report provides educators with an overview of an individual student's proficiency and growth in DreamBox across all grade levels.

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Before you open the report: Confirm the standards you use to evaluate students are the standards selected in DreamBox Math.

  • Teachers can see the selected standards at the top of the Home Page and the Reports Page.

  • Administrators can see the selected standards at the top of the Reports Page. 

Click here to open directions on to update standards in DreamBox Math.


Opening and Closing the Report

Depending on your role in DreamBox Math, there are two ways to open the Student Overview Report depending on your role.



  • Select Home in the top navigation pane.

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  • In the Student Usage section, click the name of the student you wish to view. The Home page updates to show the data for the selected student.  

  • Click view student overview

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Note: Educators must be attached to the student's classroom to access and view the student via the Home Page.


  • Select Reports in the top navigation pane.

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  • Select a school, teacher, classroom, and student in the navigation filters. The Reports page updates to show the reports you can view.

  • Click Select inside the Student Overview tile.

To close the report, click Close Report in the top right corner of the screen. 


Filtering the Report

The report will default to show the student's growth through the current day. Use the date range drop-down to select the timeframe, you can select between a variety of pre-determined timeframes or select a custom date range. After you select the timeframe the chart will update.


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Note: This report shows data for the current and previous school year.


Reading The Student Overview Report

Each column represents a grade level and lists the number of standards the student has met out of the total number of standards supported in the grade level. Each row corresponds to a domain in the regional academic standard. You can click on a block in the grid to view more information.


What do the different colors in the chart mean?

  • The white areas in the chart represent all the standards that have available lessons in DreamBox.

  • The grey areas in the chart represent areas with no available lessons.

  • The light blue column indicates the grade the student is rostered in.

  • The light green areas represent the areas the student is presumed proficient in, based on the student's grade level or initial placement.

  • The dark green areas in this chart reflect the standards in which the student has demonstrated proficiency by completing lessons in DreamBox.

The green bars are based on the student's full up-to-date DreamBox history and are not limited to the date range selected. However, the black Growth arrows are based on a student's growth over the selected date range only.  

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Note: DreamBox Math is non-linear. It is normal and expected that students will work in multiple grade levels simultaneously based on their individualized learning paths.


Adding an Assignment

A Short-Term or Long-Term Assignment can be created for an individual student by clicking the Add Assignment button to the right of the Student Overview Report. Click here to learn more about Short-Term and Long-Term Assignments.



Printing and Exporting Student Overview Report Data

The Student Overview Report offers valuable insight to share with parents so that they can help guide the student's learning. It also highlights the progress students have made so that parents can celebrate their achievements. You may want to print the report at various benchmarks or during parent-teacher conferences. 

To print the report:

  • Click the Print button in the top-right corner of the report to open your internet browser's printer dialogue box.
  • Edit the formatting using the dialogue box as needed, then click Print to print the report to your selected printer.
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Note: Some internet browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox, have a setting that may prevent the proficiency chart from printing. For instructions to change the setting and resolve the issue, click here.

  • To save the report as a PDF file, click the Export button in the upper right-hand corner of the page and select the destination as Save as PDF.


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