Loading Rosters: How to Set Up Your Summer School

If you are using DreamBox Learning Math for summer school there are multiple ways to set up student rosters. 


Continue Using Current Classrooms 

The fastest way to get set up is to continue using your current school-year classrooms, which requires no roster updates.  If you continue using the classrooms currently in DreamBox programs, you don't need to prepare and send summer school rosters. Students can access DreamBox Math, Reading Park, or Reading Plus the same way they did during the school year.

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Remember to update administrative permissions via the Insight Dashboard or share these rostering updates with DreamBox if any staff members need access to student usernames, passwords, and classroom and school reports.


Set Up Rosters via Insight Roster Upload (Math Only)

Our Insight Roster Upload method is a fast and easy way to upload your Math summer school rosters, even if you use Clever, ClassLink, or DreamBox Automated Roster Management (ARM) during the school year. 

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png If your district uses DreamBox Automated Roster Management (ARM), reach out to your DreamBox representative to let them know and pause your data sync before uploading rosters via Insight Roster Upload.
  • School and district administrators can upload rosters directly inside the DreamBox Insight Dashboard. 
  • Teachers and administrators with access can troubleshoot issues and review student progress from one location.
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png

To open an overview video and step-by-step directions to prepare and upload roster spreadsheets, click here

If you are familiar with the upload process but need a spreadsheet refresher:

  • Click here to learn more about the Educator Spreadsheet format.
  • Click here to learn more about the Student Spreadsheet format. 


Set Up Rosters via Clever

If you are using Clever, there are two ways to set up DreamBox for summer school:

1) Create a separate ‘Summer School’ in your SIS and share it with Clever, including your current classroom rosters. 

  • Administrators will have access to district, school, and classroom-level reporting on students’ summer school progress. 
  • All students who had DreamBox access during the school year will retain it during the summer (see tip below).
  • Possible login changes
    • If your district logs in via SSO, students and educators will continue to log in using that method.
    • If your district logs in via Math Direct Login, you will need to update your devices to reflect the summer school DreamBox Math URL. 
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png If you want ALL students to access DreamBox Math over the summer (not just students enrolled in Summer School) you must continue to share your classroom rosters for the current school year with Clever. Any students you stop sharing will lose access to DreamBox Math until they are shared again. 

2) Create ‘summer classrooms’ within school(s) in your SIS and share these sections with Clever

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png If you want ALL students to access DreamBox Math over the summer (not just students enrolled in Summer School) you must continue to share your classroom rosters for the current school year with Clever. Any students you stop sharing will lose access to DreamBox Math until they are shared again. 
  • Teachers will easily be able to see their summer school classroom reports.
  • District-level administrators can access reports across the district by selecting schools, then summer school classrooms.
  • Students and educators will continue to access DreamBox using the same method as they did during the school year (SSO or school-specific URL).
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png

 For more information on how to create Clever Custom Sections, click here


Set Up Rosters via ClassLink

If you are using ClassLink Automated Rostering Management to share and update rosters during the current school year, there are two ways to set up DreamBox rosters for summer school.

1) Continue sharing rosters from the current school year and add your summer school data via ClassLink.

  • All students who had DreamBox access during the school year will retain it during the summer (see tip below).
  • Educators can see their additional summer school classrooms
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png To ensure that ALL students can access DreamBox during the summer, not just students enrolled in Summer school, you will need to continue to share your 2022-2023 school year rosters with DreamBox. Please see the ClassLink support article here for best practices around sharing summer school data with applications. 

2) Math Only: Use our Insight Roster Method to upload your summer school rosters directly through the DreamBox Insight Dashboard.

  • The Insight Roster Upload method allows school and district administrators to upload rosters directly inside the DreamBox Insight Dashboard. 
  • Teachers and administrators with access can troubleshoot issues and review student progress from one location.
  • Before uploading summer rosters via Insight Roster Upload, you need to disable your ClassLink SFTP Export. The toggle can be found under Schedule Details in your File Export settings. See the ClassLink support article here for more information about sharing data via SFTP.
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png

To open an overview video and step-by-step directions to prepare and upload roster spreadsheets click here

If you are familiar with the upload process but need a spreadsheet refresher:

  • Click here to learn more about the Educator Spreadsheet format.
  • Click here to learn more about the Student Spreadsheet format. 


Set Up Rosters via ARM (Math Only)

There are two ways to set up DreamBox for summer school using DreamBox Automated Roster Management (ARM)

1) Continue sharing roster data from the current school year in your ARM files but add your summer school sections.

  • Educators can view their additional summer school classrooms
  • All students who had access to DreamBox Math during the year will still be able to sign in and play over the summer.
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png To ensure all students retain access to DreamBox Math over the summer, send the summer school classrooms on the same files as your current rosters.

2) Pause sending your ARM files altogether, send a one-time Insight Roster Upload for your summer courses, and do not send any additional files until you are preparing rosters for the new school year.

Your summer school rosters will be static until you send the first ARM file containing data for the new school year. When DreamBox processes this file it will replace the previous rosters including any summer classrooms uploaded via IRU. If you would like to use this method please contact your DreamBox representative and share:

  • The date you will pause your DreamBox ARM sync
  • The date your plan to submit your summer school Insight Roster Upload.

If you have any questions, please contact DreamBox Customer Support


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