Preparing Student Spreadsheets for DreamBox Math Insight Roster Upload

Use the Student/Classroom spreadsheet to create students and classrooms in DreamBox Math, and assign teachers and students to classrooms. This article walks through what data is required or optional in each column of the spreadsheet and how to submit your file successfully.



Getting Started 

The directions below will help you complete and verify the information required in each column of the Student/Classroom spreadsheet before you submit your file in the dashboard.

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If you are using the Student spreadsheet to create or adjust a handful of students inside an existing Math classroom, you can do this directly from the Roster tab inside the Teacher Settings tabs in your dashboard. If you want to create a new classroom, you need to use the Student spreadsheet.  

  • Click here for directions on how to add a student to an existing classroom. 
  • Click here for directions on how to remove a student from an existing classroom.  
  • Click here for directions on how to edit existing student details, like name or enrolled grade level. 

What do I need? 

  • Student and classroom roster information from your district or school that include:  
    • Students: Student first and last names, grade levels, and school student IDs. 
    • Teachers: Email addresses 
    • Classrooms: Classroom name, associated teachers, student roster 
  • The Student/Classroom spreadsheet template.  If you haven't already downloaded the spreadsheet, click here to jump to the bottom of this article and download the spreadsheet. 
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The Student/Classroom spreadsheet will not create teacher accounts. You will need to prepare the Educator spreadsheet and either submit it before you submit the Student/Classroom spreadsheet or submit them at the same time. 

Completing the Student/Classroom Spreadsheet

  • Open the Student/Classroom spreadsheet.
  • Delete the sample data shown in the top rows.


Click the image to enlarge it

  • Add student and classroom information to the spreadsheet, using the table below as a guide.
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Columns that must be completed are marked with an *. If you do not see a *, you can leave the column blank, but you need to keep all columns on the spreadsheet.


Column Header What information belongs here?
A* Student First Name The student's first name as it should appear in DreamBox Math. 
  • First names must not be longer than 32 characters. 
  • Do not use spaces or special characters (apostrophes and dashes are OK).  
B* Student Last Name The student's last name as it should appear in DreamBox Math. 
  • Last names must not be longer than 32 characters. 
  • Do not use spaces or special characters (apostrophes and dashes are OK).
C Gender You can leave the entire Gender column blank if you do not wish to designate students’ genders.  Do not delete this column.  
  • If you want to add gender, add "M" or "F" in this cell.
D* Grade The students’ enrolled grade levels. Use the following numbers:
  • -1 = PreK
  • 0 = Kindergarten 
  • 1-12 = 1st – 12th grade
E Initial Placement

The grade level which represents where the student should be placed in the DreamBox curriculum. 

  • Option 1: Leave this cell blank for students who should be placed at their enrolled grade level. Do not delete this column. 
Example:  A 5th-grade student is working at the 5th-grade level. You would leave the cell for this student in this column blank.
  • Option 2: Add the appropriate grade for students who should be placed at a different grade level than their enrolled grade. Use the following numbers to indicate placement level: 
  • -1 = PreK 
  • 0 = Kindergarten 
  • 1-12 = 1st – 12th grade 

Example:  An intervention student enrolled in 5th grade who is working through 4th grade standards might benefit from an initial placement at 4th grade. You would add “4” to the cell for this student in this column. 

F* School Student ID The student's unique school ID number. DreamBox Math tracks progress using this ID, so this information is essential. 
  • You may substitute an alternate number, but the ID must be unique for each student across the district.  
  • Do not reuse student ID numbers.  
  • If you have shared this student in the past, make sure you use the exact student ID number that you used in the past. 
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If you are using DreamBox Math and Reading products:

Students should have the same student IDs in the Reading and Math products.

G* DreamBox Math Classroom Nam This is the classroom name students will select when logging in to DreamBox Math, and the name teachers will see on their dashboards.  
  • Each classroom name in the same school must be unique, especially if an instructor teaches multiple classes. We recommend starting with this format: "Teacher Last Name - Grade - Year".  
  • If you want to reuse classrooms from the previous year, make sure the names on the spreadsheet are exactly the same as the names in DreamBox Math. 
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png If using DreamBox Reading and Math products: The classroom names in the Reading and Math products must be unique. A quick way to do this is to add "Math", or "Reading" to the end of a classroom name. 
H*-K* School Information

School name, city, address, and zip code.  

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png For each unique school on the file, you only need to include the school city, address, and zip code information once. 
  • We recommend you include school city, address, and zip code information the first time you add a new school name and leave all other rows blank.  Example: If you are only sharing roster data for one school in your spreadsheet, only Row 2 will contain school city, address, and zip code.  
  • If a school already exists in DreamBox Math, the school name needs to match the exact spelling and capitalization of the school name in DreamBox Math. 
  • If you choose to include the address information in each row of the file, the address for schools with the same name must be exactly the same. Use your spreadsheet Drag and Copy or Fill Down functions to save time. 
L* Primary Teacher Email Classroom teacher’s email address. 
  • Make sure teacher email addresses are complete. Click here for more information about possible errors in teacher email addresses. 
  • Add a teacher email in the first row listing a new DreamBox Math classroom name. Use your spreadsheet Drag and Copy or Fill Down functions to save time. 
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png If you need to associate two teachers with the same DreamBox Math Classroom, make sure each of their emails are added as the primary teacher for at least one student in the classroom.


M Language Leave the entire Language column blank if you want students to start playing DreamBox Math in English. Do not delete this column.  
  • Add "Spanish" in this column only if you want students to start playing DreamBox Math in Spanish. 
N Username Leave this column blank if you want DreamBox to create usernames based on each student’s first and last name. Do not delete this column.
  • Each student username must be unique across the district. 
  • Usernames cannot contain spaces or any special characters, including apostrophes.
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If you are using DreamBox Math and Reading products:

Students should have the same username in the Reading and Math products. 

O Password Leave this column blank if you want DreamBox to create four-letter passwords for each student. Do not delete this column.  

PreK-1 students will choose their picture passwords the first time they sign in to DreamBox Math. 

Tips when adding text passwords. 
  • Passwords do not have to be unique. 
  • Passwords must be at least four characters long, but not over 20 characters. 
  • Passwords cannot contain spaces or any special characters, including apostrophes.


  • When you have completed the spreadsheet, save the spreadsheet as a Comma-delimited file (.csv), including the school name and “Student” in the file name.  Example: "McAuliffe Academy_Students_2022".  
DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Comprehension_50px.png Click here to open directions on how to save your file as a CSV. 


  • Upload both the Educator and Student/Classroom spreadsheets through your Insight dashboard. 
DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Comprehension_50px.png Click here to open directions on how to upload your spreadsheets.

After you upload your spreadsheets, we will review your roster data and contact you if we have any questions. If not, we will process your rosters and send you a confirmation email. Teacher invitations will be sent upon completion. If you have any questions, please contact DreamBox Customer Support.


What Happens If I Don’t Complete the Spreadsheet Correctly Before I Submit It? 

If your spreadsheet is missing or contains conflicting information, like two students sharing the same student ID, your file will not continue processing and you will see a list of errors that need to be fixed on your spreadsheet. You will need to resolve each item and upload the spreadsheet again. 

  • Click here to see a list of all possible errors. 
  • Click here to see a list of all possible warnings.


Next Steps & Additional Resources

  • Click here to learn how to prepare the Educator. spreadsheet. 
  • Click here to return to the Insight Roster Upload overview article.

Download the Student/Classroom Spreadsheet

Click the attachment below to download the Student/Classroom spreadsheet template. Click here to jump back to the Completing the Student/Classroom Spreadsheet section. 


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