My Child Lost Access to their DreamBox Math School Account

This article focuses on the most common causes of why your child is seeing errors when trying to log into their school DreamBox Math account. 

(Aviso: Pulsa aquí para leer el artículo en español)


Check Login Method & Credentials

The first thing to check if your child is not able to log in is that they are using the correct log in method, and correct credentials.  (If you have checked this already, please scroll to the next section.)

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png
  • Click here to open directions on how students sign into DreamBox Math using an iPad.
  • Click here to open directions on how students sign into DreamBox Math using a laptop, desktop, or Chromebook. 


Additional Possible Causes

If your child is signing in correctly with correct login credentials but is still not able to access DreamBox Math, this may be due to district or school rostering or licensing processes. 

  • District rostering updates: Your child’s school district is in the process of updating classrooms for summer school or the upcoming school year and your child's lost access is likely temporary.

  • Expired school account: Your child’s school license has expired and the school did not extend the license to be available moving forward. This means your child’s access has also expired.

If you have not received information either about expected district roster updates or that your child’s school license would no longer be available, we recommend that you reach out directly to your school.


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