Reading Park: Exploring the Student Environment

Welcome to Reading Park, home to Squiggles and Monsters – delightful, animated creatures that accompany students on their learning journey. Squiggles have been teaching their Monster friends how to read by using a magical Squiggle Book. When the Squiggle Book loses its pages, the Monsters are unable to continue learning to read. Students need to help the Monsters and Squiggles find the missing pages and reassemble the Squiggle Book.


The Reading Park Toolbar

As students explore Reading Park, play lessons, and complete quests, they can use the toolbar buttons to navigate the environment and perform specific tasks.

Reading Park_Student Environment_Toolbar.png

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png To learn more about sound options and Closed Captions in Reading Park, click here.  


Quests, Learning Paths, and Lessons

To find the missing pages, students will play through a series of Quests. Quests are groups of lessons that focus on a single concept. Lessons inside a Quest include problems or tasks presented in a variety of interactive formats.

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Educators: To learn more about lesson formats, open the Program Guide from your Learn site.

Beginning a Quest

To begin a new quest, students select one of the four areas in Reading Park. If students see a Squiggle and an exclamation mark sign above an area – this means they can find a new Squiggle Book page there and they should open that area next. 

Reading Park_Student Environment_Areas.png

Lesson Path Navigation

When a student selects an area, a page from the Squiggle book flies across the screen with a Squiggle chasing after it. They then see the beginning of the quest learning path. To open the first lesson, click the lesson icon

Reading Park_Student Environment_Lesson Pat_Mountain_1 Lesson.png

After the student click the first lesson, the Squiggle Book opens and introduces the new concept they will be exploring in the next several lessons. Students can click each button on the new pages to hear the new sounds, words, and sentences they will explore during the quest.

Reading Park_Student Environment_Lesson Path_Mountain_Squiggle Book.png

Navigating a Lesson

Students can use multiple tools to replay instructions, sounds, or new words, and track their progress through the lesson. 

Reading Park_Student Environment_Navigate Lessons.png

Quest Incentives

As students complete lessons during a quest, they may see the backpack icon appear. This means they have earned either a token, a new sticker, or a new monster friend card. When the student clicks the backpack, their incentive will fly off the screen to be stored in their tokens total or the Treehouse. 

Reading Park_Student Environment_Backpack_Mountain.png

Completing a Quest

As students complete lessons in a quest, DreamBox Reading Park will assess their understanding and adjust their lesson path. As a result, some students may complete a quest after two lessons, others may complete the same quest after 4-5 lessons.

Students know they have completed a quest when instead of the next lesson icon, they see a Squiggle with a star over their head. To complete the quest and add a new page to their Squiggle Book:

Reading Park_Student Environment_Quest Complete_Click Squiggle.png   Reading Park_Student Environment_Quest Complete_Click Signpost.png
Click the Squiggle at the end of the lesson path.  . The Squiggle will do a happy dance, the star will stream into the Squiggle Book icon, and an arrow signpost appears on the screen. Click the signpost to return to Reading Park.


The Treehouse and the Arcade

Reading Park_Student Environment_Treehouse_Arcade.png


From the Treehouse students can learn more about their Monster Friends, see the stickers they have earned, and update the color of their avatar. 

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png To learn more about what students can see and do in the Treehouse, click here.



Students can spend the tokens they earn completing lessons at the Arcade. They can choose between two games that cost 1 token each:

Super DreamBall    Fruit Farmer
Reading Park_Student Environment_Arcade_SuperDreamBall.png   Reading Park_Student Environment_Arcade_Fruit Farmer.png


The Send Feedback Button

From the Send Feedback button students and teachers can send feedback to DreamBox about Reading Park. They could comment on a lesson, suggest an update or new feature, or report a lesson that is not functioning the way it they expected it to. In addition to the feedback, the Send Feedback button will gather and send details about where the student was in the lesson and how the program was functioning.

To send feedback:

  • Click the Send Feedback envelope. The Send us your feedback window opens.

Reading Park_Student Environment_Click Envelope.png

  • Type a subject in the Subject field, add comments in the Feedback field, and then click the Send icon. 

Reading Park_Student Environment_Send Feedback.png

  • To cancel the feedback and return to Reading Park, click the Cancel icon.


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