Reading Park: The Standards Report

Use the Standards Report to see and review student proficiency in K-2 standards inside your district, school, and classroom. From the Standards Report, you can:

DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Assessment_50.png View overall proficiency by grade level.
section-29161569909139.png Explore student progress in K-2 standards.
DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Calendar_50.png Review monthly snapshots of student progress.


Standards Report Basics

How often does the Standards Report update?

The Standards Report updates nightly. 

Which timeframes can I view?

The Standards Report defaults to the current month, showing cumulative student standards proficiency for the current school year. You can compare current student proficiency with snapshots taken after the end of previous months. 

Which standards can I select?

DreamBox Learning Units and Common Core State Standards are available to all educators.

  • Educators in California have the option to select California Common Core State Standards.
  • Educators in Florida have the option to select Florida B.E.S.T English Language Arts Standards.
  • Educators in Ohio have the option to select Ohio Learning Standards. 
  • Educators in Texas have the option to select Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).

DreamBox Learning Units are our in-house literacy standards developed in alignment with Foundational Reading Standards for grades K-2, Common Core State Standards, and recommended best practices for PreK Learning. 

To see an overview of the Reading Park program and scope and sequence, open these resources on the Learn Site (After clicking each link, you will be prompted to sign in to the Learn site before you can view the document.)

  • Click here to open the Reading Park Program Guide and then scroll down to pages 4-6.
  • Click here to open the Reading Park Scope and Sequence.

Opening the report

To open the report, select either the Standards tile or the Standards button on the Home page of your educator dashboard. 

Reading Park_Standards Report_Open Report.png

If you see Reading Park and Reading Plus data in your educator dashboard, look for the Park flag on the report tile.

Reading Park_Standards Report_Tile with Park.png

Closing the report

To close the report, select either the HOME icon, link, or the Overview button above the Standards Report.

Reading Park_Standards Report_Close Report.png


Navigating the Standards Report

When you open the report, it will default to your highest levels of permissions in Reading Park:

  • District (district-level administrator permissions)
  • School (school-level administrator permissions)
  • Class (teacher-only permissions)

Administrators can drill down from the district or school level to see individual classes and students. Teachers without administrative permissions in Reading Park will only be able to see their class and students. 

The District & School Administrator View

DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Comprehension_50px.png Click here to open the Navigating the Reading Park Standards Report (Administrators) PDF (You will be prompted to log into the Learn site). 


The district and school levels of the report are very similar. The image below shows a Reading Park district administrator’s educator dashboard. 

Reading Park_Standards Report_District Admin_Distirct_WHOLE_call outs.png

The Teacher View

DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Comprehension_50px.png Click here to open the Navigating the Reading Park Standards Report (Classroom Level) PDF (You will be prompted to log into the Learn site). 


When teachers open the standards report, it will show the overall proficiency of the students in their class. If students have been rostered at multiple grade levels, the teacher can select a grade level to see a more detailed breakdown. Most teachers will see only one highlighted grade level. 

Reading Park_Standards outs.png



Understanding Proficiency

Which students are included in the report metrics?

The Standards report includes all active students using Reading Park. An active student has logged into Reading Park at least once during the timeframe selected on the report. If a student has never logged into Reading Park, they will not be included in the report metrics. 

What do the circles mean?

Not Started Reading Park_Standards Report_Empty Circle.png The entire school, class, or individual student has not started working on this grade-level standard.
Proficient Reading Park_Standards Report_Full Circle.png The entire school, class, or individual student has been marked proficient in this grade-level standard. 

What do the percentages mean?

The percentages indicate that students in a school, class, or on their own have begun working on this standard at this grade level. The percentage number shows how much progress students have made in the grade-level standard. 


Standards Report FAQs

Q: Can I print and/or export student data in the Standards Report?

A: Not at this time. DreamBox’s goal is to provide a consistent user experience across all our learning solutions. While printing and/or exporting is not available at this time, if one or both of these would be a key future improvement to the Standards Report, please submit your feedback to our DreamBox Customer Support team.


Q: Does Reading Park include content that aligns with all K-2 Literacy Standards?

A: Reading Park standards were carefully curated from research-based practices for teaching reading to early learners. All standards are aligned to the foundational reading standards for K-2 and follow recommended best practices for PreK learning including the highly impactful domains of phonological awareness, alphabetic principle, phonemic awareness, phonics and basic morphology, fluency and comprehension as well as high-frequency words. Although no supplemental curriculum could effectively fully meet every standard, DreamBox has created a pathway that covers the research-based standards that will have the greatest impact on student learning using Reading Park.

If you have reviewed the Reading Park Scope and Sequence (linked from the Learn Site) and would like to see new or additional content aligned with a specific concept, please submit your feedback to our DreamBox Customer Support team.


Q: Are you planning to add additional state standards to the report in the future?

A: Our goal is to provide consistent insight into student progress across all our learning solutions. If adding your state standards as a filtering option to the report would be a key future improvement to the Standards Report, please submit your feedback to our DreamBox Customer Support team.


Q: Why do I see “empty” grade level bars on the report?  

A: There are two reasons you may see grey or “empty” bars on the Standards Report. 

  1. Your students have not started working in those K, 1st, or 2nd grade standards yet. 
  2. Some or all of your students have been rostered in Reading Park as 3rd-grade students or higher. Each bar on the report represents the rostered grade level of one or more of your students. The reason some of the grade-level bars are empty is that these bars show student proficiency only for standards aligned to the matching rostered grade level. Reading Park lessons are aligned to K-2 literacy standards. If you teach student rostered in grades higher than 2nd grade, all bars representing their rostered grade levels will be empty in the Standards Report. 

Example: Some of your students are rostered in the 4th grade. As a result, you see a 4th-grade bar on your Standards Report. Reading Park content focuses on K-2 standards – no Reading Park content is aligned to 4th-grade standards. The 4th-grade bar on your Standards Report is empty because your 4th-grade students are not working on content aligned with 4th-grade standards. 


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