Why the DreamBox Math or Reading Park App Is Necessary for iPad Users

If you’re planning to use or already use DreamBox Math or Reading Park on an iPad, we require students use our apps rather than playing DreamBox via Safari or another app’s web view, such as Clever.

Our goal is to provide students the best possible experience while using DreamBox products, and we can only ensure that they have this experience if they’re using our app. Below, you’ll find an outline of the capabilities of our app, which we cannot ensure through any other play options:

  • Our apps render in full screen: This can be very important on smaller screens, like the iPad Mini, and for students with limited motor skills. This way, everyone can access and manipulate all of our interactive components.
  • Our apps can detect when students may have the audio accidentally muted: This alerts users of the issue so they would not be prevented from hearing critical instructions.
  • Our apps detect the iPad device model and adjusts the learning environment gracefully: This means that users on older devices can still access and have success with our entire curriculum, while those with newer devices have an optimized experience as well. Without this, various parts of the experience can crash or become sluggish and unresponsive, and graphics/text may not be as sharp as they should.
  • Our apps adjust for limited device memory depending on the iPad model you are using: Our app is optimized to seamlessly refresh its web view to avoid high memory pressure situations.

If you have additional questions or are experiencing any issues with your DreamBox iPad apps, please contact our Customer Support Team.


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