The DreamBox Learning Help Center: FAQs

Welcome to the new DreamBox Learning Help Center!  We have transitioned to a new site to streamline the organization and better meet your needs. 


Updated Site Structure

Site Categories and Sections

Moving to a new platform and updating the look and feel of the site allowed us to reorganize the content so it would be easier to find information about a specific product, locate a setup guide, or troubleshoot an issue. All of the highlighted topics that you were used to on the DreamBox Support Site are part of the Help Center, but these topics are located inside the appropriate category. 

For example, all rostering articles are now located in the Setup, Rostering, and Login Guides Category.  Articles are organized by method and time of year. 

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Article Links by Section

 Organizing content by category and section also helps highlight other relevant articles after you select one to read.  The article page now links to all other sections in the category so you can easily jump back and forth if you haven't found the answer you are looking for yet.

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Improved Search Functionality

Filter your Search

You can now filter the search results by category, helping you find what you need more quickly.

To filter search results:

  • Type keywords in the search field and select enter.
  • When your search results appear, you can either:
    • Review the list
    • Filter the list by category
  • To filter the list by category, select Articles on the left side of your screen.  You will see a breakdown of the results by category. 
  • Select a specific category to see a smaller group of results.

Access Additional Resources

From the DreamBox Help Center, you can access additional help, implementation, and professional learning resources. 

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  • Click here to learn more about DreamBox University.
  • Click here to learn more about DEN Connect.


Contacting DreamBox Support

The Help Center isn't the only thing we have updated. You can now see Reading and Math support contact information and submit a request from the same page. 

To open the Contact Us page: 

Select the button on the bottom of every page or the link at the top of every page on the Help Center.

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Where to find Support details on the Contact Us page:

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Q: Does the new site include all of the same content?

A: Yes it does!  We are looking forward to continuing to refine and expand the DreamBox Math, Reading Park, and (eventually) Reading Plus resources we are able to provide on this site.  


Q: I can't find any Reading Plus content. Will Reading Plus content be added to the Help Center in the future?

A: That is our long-term plan. For now, you can access automated Clever and ClassLink rostering guides that support all our products. To access all other Reading Plus resources, use the Learn Site link at the top of the Help Center.


Q: My district has posted article links, I have shared several article links with families, and I have a lot of articles bookmarked. Will these links and bookmarks still work?

A: Yes! We have set up redirects, which means that if you or anyone else opens an article link or bookmark from our previous Support site you will be redirected to the same page in our new Help Center. 


Q: There are only four main categories on the home page, where can I find the topics I used to be able to see and select from the Home page of the Support Site?

A: Moving to a new platform allowed us to reorganize the content so it would be easier to find information about a specific product, find a guide, or troubleshoot an issue. All of the highlighted topics on the Support Site are part of the Help Center, but they are located inside the appropriate category. 


Q: Where can I find Spanish-language content on the new site?

A: The majority of articles that are available in English and Spanish are now organized within the Math and Troubleshooting categories.  For example, when you select Troubleshooting from the Home page, you'll see the Spanish-language sections

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Q: What should I do if something isn't working the way I expect it to?

A: If you find you are redirected to the wrong article or videos or links inside an article aren't behaving the way you expect them to, please reach out to our DreamBox Customer Support Team and provide:

  • The URL of the article or page where you noticed an issue. If the page or article has a title, please include the full title. 
  • A description of what you thought you should see, or where you thought you would be directed to. 

Thank you for taking the time to let us know what we need to address! We appreciate your patience during this transition. 


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