Manual Roster Import: Reading Plus Students Spreadsheet

Use the Students spreadsheet to create or update students and associate them with a class in DreamBox Reading Plus. This article is an overview of the Reading Plus Students spreadsheet guidelines, required and optional data, and tips on how to avoid common import errors. 

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Looking for the Reading Park Students spreadsheet guidelines? Click here to open it. 


Getting Started

The directions below will help you complete and verify the information required in each column of the Reading Plus Students spreadsheet before you submit your file in the dashboard.

What do I need?

  • Student information for your district or site, including:
    • School Site Code
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Grade
    • Preferred username
    • Preferred password
    • Assigned Class
    • Student Number
  • Student demographic information (optional)
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: Including demographic identifiers will allow you to filter reports by those demographic variables. In addition, you will make it possible for students identified as either ELL or special education to receive an appropriately modified instructional experience. You may choose which demographic identifiers you would like to include; leave blank if unknown, or if you prefer not to include.
  • The plus-students.csv spreadsheet template.
Support DB-Icons Lightbulb Head.png If you haven't already downloaded it, click here to jump to the bottom of the article and download the spreadsheet. 


Completing the Reading Plus Students Spreadsheet

  • Open the Reading Plus Students spreadsheet template. Do not change the text on column headers, including adding or removing a space. 
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Most spreadsheet import errors are caused by changes to the column header text, spacing, or labels. 
  • Add the information of all students who need a new or updated Reading Plus account. 

(* = Required information)

Column Header What information belongs here?
A* Site Code

A unique code that identifies a school in DreamBox Reading. It is assigned by DreamBox Reading and visible on the educator dashboard. 

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Not sure where to find the site code? Click here to open directions on where to find it in the Reading educator dashboard. 
B* First Name

Student's first name

  • This field cannot contain accented characters.
C*  Last Name

Student's last name

  • This field cannot contain accented characters.
D* Grade

Student's grade level (must be between Pre-K and 2nd grade)

Accepted grade level indicators:

  • "PK" = Pre-K
  • "K" = Kindergarten
  • "1-12" = 1st - 12th Grade
  • "College" = College
  • "Adult" = Adult
  • "13" = College/Adult
E* Username

Required username characteristics:

  • At least 2 characters.
  • Unique to the student within your Reading Park school district.
  • Cannot contain accented characters.
  • May contain letters, numbers, periods, and the "@" symbol. 
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png

If you are using DreamBox Math and Reading products:

Students should have the same username in the Reading and Math products. 

To create a username, some schools:

  • Use the students' state IDs.
  • Combine students' initials with the students' state IDs.
F* Password

Required password characteristics:

  • At least 8 characters long.
  • May contain letters, numbers, and periods.
G Class

(Optional information)

Student's class name in Reading Plus.

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png


  • If a class with this exact name already exists, the student will be added to the class. 
  • If no class exists with this name, a new one will be created and the student will be added to it. 
  • The data in this field will not create a Group.
H Student Number

(Optional but highly recommended information)

Student's school number or student ID.

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png

If you are using DreamBox Math and Reading products:

Students should have the same student numbers in the Reading and Math products.

I Gender

(Optional information)

Accepted gender indicators: 

  • "M" = Male
  • "F" = Female
  • Blank Field = Not designated or unknown 
J Middle Name

(Optional information)

Student's middle name

  • This field cannot contain accented characters.
K Race

(Optional information)

Accepted race indicators:

  • "A" = Asian or Asian American
  • "B" = Black or African American
  • "H" = Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
  • "I" = Native American, Alaska Native, Indigenous, First Nation/ Peoples
  • "M" = Student identifies as two or more races. 
  • "W" = White or European American
L Ethnicity

(Optional information)

Accepted ethnicity indicators:

  • "Y" = Hispanic or Latino
  • "N" = Not Hispanic or Latino
M Lunch Status

(Optional information)

Accepted lunch status indicators:

  • "F" = Free
  • "R" = Reduced
  • "N" = No discount
N Special Education

(Optional information)

Accepted Special Education indicators:

  • "Y" = Yes
  • "N" = No
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: If a student is designated Y (Yes) under the Special Education and/or ESL/ELL column, the student’s starting level for the initial assessment (InSight) will be adjusted (0.5-1.5 grade levels lower for grades 1-4 and 2 grade levels lower for students in grades 5-12). InSight’s adaptive logic still allows students to score as high as they are able, but the lower start level provides them with an opportunity to gain more confidence as they begin the assessment. 

(Optional information)

Accepted ELL indicators:

  • "Y" = Yes
  • "N" = No
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: If a student is designated Y (Yes) under the Special Education and/or ESL/ELL column, the student’s starting level for the initial assessment (InSight) will be adjusted (0.5-1.5 grade levels lower for grades 1-4 and 2 grade levels lower for students in grades 5-12). InSight’s adaptive logic still allows students to score as high as they are able, but the lower start level provides them with an opportunity to gain more confidence as they begin the assessment.


Support DB-Icons Lightbulb Head.png Click here to open an overview of Microsoft Excel tips and tricks.


Reading Plus Students Spreadsheet Example

The example below shows columns A-H only. These columns include the required and highly recommended student data on the spreadsheet.

Reading Import_Plus spreadsheet example.png


Need Additional Help?

If you have questions that were not answered in this article or other Reading Manual Import articles, contact our Customer Support Team


Download the Reading Plus Students Spreadsheet Template

  • Click the attachment below to download the plus-students.csv spreadsheet template. 
  • Click here to jump back to the Getting Started section of this article. 


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