Loading Reading Rosters: Manual Roster Import

Reading Plus and Park administrators can use Manual Roster Import to create and update, teachers, students, and classrooms in bulk. 

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png

If you want users to log in via Single Sign-On (SSO), you need to set up rosters via Clever or ClassLink.

Manually updating Math and Reading rosters in DreamBox? Please fully update Math rosters before you begin updating Reading rosters.


Manual Roster Import: The Basics

Reading administrators can create and update student, teacher, and classroom roster data by uploading two spreadsheets through the dashboard. 

  1. Teachers spreadsheet: Create administrators, teachers, and classrooms. 
  2. Students spreadsheet: Create students and associate them with classrooms
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png If you use Reading Plus and Reading Park, you need to import the Teachers and Students spreadsheets separately for each product. 


Complete and Import the Teachers Spreadsheet

Step 1: Download the spreadsheet templates and review the spreadsheet guidelines.

  • Sign in to the educator dashboard and select Manage

Reading_District Admin Dashboard_Manage.png

  • Inside the Manage page, click Import.

Reading_District Admin Dashboard_Import.Shapes.png

  • When the Import Students and Staff modal opens, download the Teachers spreadsheet template. 

Reading_Import Students and Staff window.png

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png

If you are not signed in to your dashboard:

  • Click here to open the Teachers spreadsheet guidelines.
  • Click here to jump to the bottom of this article, download the template, and return to this section. 


Step 2: Prepare and import the Teachers spreadsheet.

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png If you are using DreamBox Math and Reading: You must create new Reading educator accounts using Manual Roster Import. The Reading and Math products are part of the same system. If you try to create an educator account through the Reading educator dashboard and the account already exists in DreamBox Math, the system will think you are creating a duplicate account. 
  • Complete the Teachers spreadsheet. Refer to the guidelines and do not alter the text or placement of the columns or column headers in the spreadsheet. 
  • When the spreadsheet is complete, save the spreadsheet as a CSV file, and name it "teachers.csv".
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Your spreadsheet must be saved as a CSV file and named "teachers.csv" to import successfully.  
  • Click Import.

Reading_District Admin Dashboard_Import.Shapes.png

  • When the Import Students and Staff modal opens, click Select your Staff CSV to upload, and then select the teachers.csv file you just saved. 

TeachersSpreadsheet_Import Modal.png

  • The system will review the file and either:
    • List file errors that need to be corrected. If there are errors: correct the file, re-save it, and run it again.
    • Confirm a successful file review and provide a preview of the changes the file will make. 
  • If the file review is successful, use the tabs and expand arrows to preview the staff account and class changes that will be made.  After you validate the changes the file will make, click Run Import to make the changes in the system.

Reading_Preview Changes_Staff.png

  • The system will process the changes, and confirm when the import is complete. You can review the changes in the modal, click Done, or select Import New File.

Reading_Import_ Import Complete.png

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png A quick way to validate the changes in your dashboard is to open the Classes page and validate new classrooms were created/names were updated. 



Complete and Import the Students Spreadsheet

Step 1: Download the spreadsheet templates and review the spreadsheet guidelines.

  • Sign in to the educator dashboard and select Manage

Reading_District Admin Dashboard_Manage.png

  • Inside the Manage page, click Import.

Reading_District Admin Dashboard_Import.Shapes.png

  • When the Import Students and Staff modal opens, download the Teachers spreadsheet template and the appropriate Students spreadsheet template. The Reading product/s you use determines which Student spreadsheet template/s you should download.
Product/s Student Spreadsheet/s
Reading Plus Plus Students CSV
Reading Park Park Students CSV
Both Plus and Park

Plus Students CSV

Park Students CSV

Reading_Import Students and Staff window.png

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png

If you are not signed in to your dashboard:

  • Click here to open the Reading Plus Students spreadsheet guidelines.
  • Click here to open the Reading Park Students spreadsheet guidelines.
  • Click here to jump to the bottom of this article, download the template/s you need, and return to this section. 
  • The system will review the file and either:
    • List items that need to be corrected. If there are errors: correct the file, re-save it, and run it again.
    • Confirm a successful file review and provide a preview of the changes the file will make. 
  • If the file review is successful, use the tabs and expand arrows to preview the staff account and class changes that will be made.  After you validate the changes the file will make, click Run Import to make the changes in the system.

Reading_Preview Changes_Students.png

  • The system will process the changes, and confirm when the import is complete. You can review the changes in the modal, click Done, or select Import New File.

Reading_Manual Import_ Student Import Complete.png


Download the Teachers and Students Spreadsheets Templates

Click the attachments at the bottom of this article to download the spreadsheet templates you need, and then:

  • Click here to jump back to the Teachers Import directions.
  • Click here to jump back to the Students Import directions. 


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