DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: The Student Usage Section of the Home Page

Teachers can see a variety of information at a glance and take the following actions in the Student Usage section of the Home page. This article walks through how to filter, review, and interpret the student information you can find in the Student Usage section. 

What Can Teachers See and Do?

Teachers Can See
  • The last activity students completed.
  • The lesson highlight video of the last lesson the student completed (Advanced subscription customers only).
  • A student's total time on DreamBox Math during the selected timeframe.
  • The total number of lessons a student completed during the selected timeframe, including how close they are to their weekly goal.


Teachers Can Do
  • Send a student a message they will see the next time they sign in. 
  • Open the monthly Student Usage report to see usage across a broader timeframe.
  • Select a single student to review in the Student Usage table and most of the other sections of the Home page. 


Send and Read Student Messages

Teachers can send messages to students and see their responses from the Student Usage table. 

Updated Home Page_New Student Usage Article_Teacher Student Messaging.png

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn more about Teacher-Student Messaging. 


Last Activity Completed: Lesson Status & Highlights

In the last activity column, teachers can see the name of the last activity the student played, the status of the activity, and possibly watch a Lesson Highlight of the activity. 

Updated Home Page_New Student Usage Article_Last Activity Completed.png

What do the Lesson Status Phrases and Icons Mean?

Lesson Status: Icon or Phrase


Not Placed

The student has not completed the Launchpad yet. This could mean the student is in the process of playing Launchpad, could have started and paused Launchpad, or has not started Launchpad. 

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn more about the Launchpad placement assessment.
No Activity

The student has not signed in to DreamBox Math yet. 

No Lesson Activity

The student has signed in, but they have not completed any lessons yet. This likely means the student has signed in and is exploring incentives like the Arcade, My House, My Stuff, Collections, etc. The student may have completed a tutorial, but not a lesson. 

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to open directions on how to restrict student access to learning incentives and engagement features. 
Updated Home Page_Lesson status icons_green check.png

The student completed the lesson and demonstrated understanding.

Updated Home Page_Lesson status icons_black check.png

The student completed the lesson without demonstrating understanding. This means the student finished the lesson, but their responses during the lesson showed they did not fully understand the concept.

Updated Home Page_Lesson status icons_orange triangle.png

The student may need your attention. Of the last five lessons the student completed, they completed three without demonstrating understanding. This could mean:

  • The student is struggling
  • The student is not taking lessons seriously, even though they may understand the material. 
Updated Home Page_Lesson status icons_pause circle.png

The student paused a lesson before finishing it. However, they will still be able to see and select this lesson from their Lesson Chooser until they complete it. 


Watch a Lesson Highlight

(Lesson Highlights are available for Advanced package customers only)

Lesson Highlights provides teachers the ability to watch a video of students' progress through a lesson from their dashboard. Teachers will be able to watch lesson highlights for completed lessons, but not Launchpad.

To watch a Lesson Highlight, click a Watch button in the Student Usage table. 

Updated Home Page_New Student Usage Article_Lesson Highlight Button.png

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn more about Lesson Highlights.


Interpreting the Total Time and Total Lessons Columns

The Total Time column shows how long the student has signed into DreamBox Math during the selected timeframe. The Total Lessons column shows the number of lessons the student completed during the selected timeframe and how this total relates to their weekly lesson goals.

Updated Home Page_New Student Usage Article_Total Time and Lessons columns.png

What do the colors of the circle in the Total Lessons column mean?

As students progress toward their weekly goal, the colors around their lesson total will fill in, indicating how close they are to meeting a goal.  A green check indicates they met their goal for the week. 

Teachers will see a variety of color combinations depending on how many lessons the student has completed (see the examples below).

Updated Home Page_New Student Usage Article_4 lessons.png = 4 lessons completed, weekly goal not quite met Updated Home Page_New Student Usage Article_Green circle.png = 5 lessons completed, weekly goal met
Updated Home Page_New Student Usage Article_8 lessons.png = 8 lessons completed, weekly goal met, close to completing 10 lessons Updated Home Page_New Student Usage Article_purple circle.png = 10 lessons completed, weekly goal met
Updated Home Page_New Student Usage Article_13 lessons.png = 13 lessons completed, weekly goal met, close to completing 15 lessons  Updated Home Page_New Student Usage Article_Gold circle.png = 15 lessons completed, weekly goal met

When a student completes more than 15 lessons during a week, the colors around the lesson counter will repeat the cycle:

  • Green: 15-20 completed lessons
  • Purple: 20-25 completed lessons
  • Gold: 20-25 completed lessons
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn more about how students can track their overall progress and lesson completion.


Review Usage and Progress for One Student

To review the progress of one student in your classroom, click their name in the Student Usage chart. The single-student versions of Lesson Highlights (Advanced subscriptions only), Student Usage, Alerts & Achievements, Currently Playing, and Roster sections will open.

When viewing a single student, DreamBox Math usage is broken down by day of the week. Instead of the monthly Student Usage Report, teachers can open Student Overview Report for the selected student. image.png

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn more about the Student Overview Report.


Student Usage Section FAQs

Q: How can a student show no usage time but still show they have completed some lessons?

A: If a student does not sign out of DreamBox Math, our timer continues to calculate the time spent
even if the student is no longer playing. 

For example, if a student shuts their laptop or closes the browser instead of signing out of the student environment, they may show unexpected usage time in the Student Usage table.  After two hours, the system will realize the student is inactive, stop the timer, and update the Student Usage table to show the proper usage time without the additional time after the student stops playing. 


Q: How can a student show 50 minutes of usage but not have completed any lessons?

A: This could happen for a variety of reasons:

  • A student could be spending their time in the incentive areas like the Arcade, My House, or My Stuff instead of playing and completing lessons.  This is a good opportunity to message the student and encourage them to complete lessons. You could also limit when they can access these areas.
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png
  • Click here to learn more about Teacher-Student Messaging.
  • Click here to learn how to update student access to engagement or incentive areas like My House or the Arcade. 
  • The student may be having difficulty in a lesson and is struggling to complete it. There are two ways to see if this could be the cause from the Home page.
    • On the Usage table, do you see an orange alert or check mark indicating the student may need your attention or is not completing lessons?
    • Open the Activity Feed Report for that student and look for similar patterns. Are they consistently pausing lessons, playing them more than once, or completing lessons without understanding? 
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png

Click here to learn more about the Activity Feed Report. 


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