This article focuses on frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the DreamBox Math Growth Report.
Looking for an overview of the Growth Report? Click here to open our help article. |
Accessing and Navigating the Growth Report
Q: Why can’t I see the Growth Report tile on the Reports page? |
A: The Growth report tile will be visible on the Reports page on the first day of the new school year. If the previous school year has ended and the new school year hasn't started, the Growth report won't be visible. Check your school start and stop dates on the Reports page. If they are not correct, please reach out to our Customer Support Team.
The Reports page will show the previous year’s school dates until the first day of your new school year. |
Q: Why can't I update filters inside the report to see a custom group I created? |
A: To see custom groups in the Usage report, select Groups from the Reports page before you open the report. If you don't do this before opening the Usage report, you will not be able to see or move between your custom groups.
Click here to open directions to set Group filters and see additional FAQs. |
Initial Standing, Placement, and Growth Report Metrics
Q: What does it mean if I see "student has not been placed" instead of a number on the Growth Report? |
A: If you do not see a number in the Initial Standing column of the Growth report, it means the student hasn't completed the placement tasks required to determine their initial standing, or starting point, in DreamBox Math. The placement tasks depend on the district's subscription type.
Click here to learn how DreamBox Math determines a student's initial placement. |
Q: Is a student ‘placed’ in the Growth report if they log in over the summer? |
A: The Growth report will only capture data during your school/district's calendar year dates. If a student logs in and plays DreamBox Math over the summer, they will still be placed on the Growth report after they complete a lesson with proficiency and/or complete the Launchpad assessment after the first day of the new school year.
Q: Why do I see different average lessons on the Growth and Usage report? |
A: This is likely due to the selected timeframe on the Usage report. The Growth report reflects Year To Date data overall, vs the data in a selected date range (which is possible on the Usage report).
Q: What happens to student growth data if Launchpad is activated in the middle of the school year? |
A: When Launchpad is enabled, the data source for each student's Initial Standing is changed and therefore growth metrics need to be recalculated. The Growth report will not show any growth from their start of school date through when they enable Launchpad. Students' Initial Standing level will be calculated upon completion of Launchpad and then growth will begin calculating from this point. Proficiency data on additional DreamBox Math reports is preserved, however.
Q: Will lessons done on the same day my student completes Launchpad count toward their growth? |
A: At this time growth is measured daily. If a student completes Launchpad on Monday and then completes 10 additional lessons in that same day, those 10 lessons are not counted toward that student’s growth.
Q: Should grade-level standing percentages always equal 100%? |
A: The percentages shown in the report are rounded to a whole number when standing percentages are calculated. The actual calculation will always add to 100%, but the total rounded percentages may not.
Example: 44.4% + 39.2% +16.4% would round to 44% + 39% + 16% to = 99%. |
Printing Student Progress Reports
Q: Can I print DreamBox Math progress reports to send home? |
A: Yes. We recommend sharing two resources with families:
Individual Student Growth Report (Can be printed for a single student or all students in a classroom) |
Family Guide to the Growth Report (Available through DreamBox University in English and Spanish) |