DreamBox Automated Roster Management (ARM): Dos and Don'ts

This article summarizes best practices and what to avoid when sharing and updating district roster information with DreamBox ARM.

ARM Do's

DO: Make sure you and your students know the correct way to log in.

Clarify with your school/district administrator whether you should access DreamBox via the DreamBox direct URL or via a Single Sign-On (SSO)/district portal.


DO: Send home the correct parent login instructions so students can access DreamBox Math from home.

There are two versions of login instructions, one for SSO and one for direct DreamBox login URL.

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn how to locate and print family letters from the Math educator dashboard. 


DO: Contact your school/district IT administrator to perform any of the following functions:
  • Add a new student.
  • Add an existing student to your classroom. 
  • Create a new classroom in Dream


ARM Don'ts

DON'T: Manually add a new student via the DreamBox Insight Dashboard.

All new students should be managed via the data sync and edited directly in your school/district student information system.


DON'T: Create a new account for a student that you know already has access to DreamBox Math.

If you are unable to locate the student, reach out to your distirct IT team before contacting DreamBox Customer Support


DON'T: Use the roster edit settings in your Insight Dashboard to edit a student’s information.

If you need to edit a students name or other information, contact your school/district administrator to have these details edited in the student information system.


DON'T: Contact DreamBox Customer Support for information about SSO credentials for you or your students.

DreamBox Customer Support does not have access to login credentials. You need to speak with your school/district administrator to confirm the username and passwords to your SSO/district portal.


DON'T: Use the username and passwords in your Math educator dashboard if your students log in to DreamBox Math via an SSO/district portal.

The usernames and passwords in your dashboard only work for Direct DreamBox login.


DON'T: Remove yourself or other teachers from an active classroom in DreamBox Math.

If you remove yourself or another teacher, this will prevent the teacher from viewing and potentially accessing DreamBox Math. 


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