DreamBox Single File ARM CSV Instructions

When using single-file DreamBox ARM to share DreamBox Math rostering information, all of your rostering information must be included in the single CSV spreadsheet file every time. The roster information in the ARM file can create, maintain, update, and remove:

  • Schools
  • Educators
  • Students
  • Classrooms
  • Classroom memberships
  • Enrollments


Spreadsheet Overview: Columns, Data, and Object Types

Each column and row of the spreadsheet will contain crucial data about schools, educators, students, classrooms, classroom memberships, and enrollments. This data will define each object in DreamBox Math and confirm how objects are connected.

For example, some columns provide reference data, like school name and classroom name. Rows for classrooms, educators, and students need to include the name of the primary school with which they are associated. Rows for educators and students need to contain the name of a classroom which they are teaching or are enrolled. If an educator or student is a member of more than one classroom, multiple rows should be used that differ only in the classroom name value.

DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Constantly learning_50px.png Note: When school name and classroom name are used as references, then there must be a matching row defining the school or classroom somewhere in the same file. For additional tips, please open our ARM rostering overview article.


Column Header What data should be entered in this cell?  Default value if left blank Which objects require data in this cell?

Type of object that corresponds with the data in this row. Choose between:

  • school
  • student
  • educator
  • classroom
None All objects
email address* Educator email address None educator
title Educator title None educator
educator type

Type of educator. Choose between:

  • teacher
  • principal
  • schooladmin
  • districtadmin
teacher educator
first name* Student or educator first name None student, educator
last name* Student or educator last name None student, educator
school student id* Unique student ID or student number. None student

saml id

(required if using Dreambox SSO)

The ID you have set for your saml ID will need to be added to the saml id column.  Use the DreamBox-ARM-template_samlID.csv template if using DreamBox SSO and you need to share a saml ID. None student, educator
username Student username first name + last initial student
password Student password random student
gender Student gender. The gender can be either "male", "m", "female", "f" or left blank. None student
student birth date Student birth date None student
language LCID of student's preferred language. May be either "1033" (English) or "21514" (Spanish). 1033 student

Student or classroom grade level. The allowed values are different for students and classrooms.

Accepted values for grade:

  • Students: "prek", "k", "kindergarten", "adult", "-1", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", or "13"
  • Classrooms: "prek", "k", "kindergarten", "-1", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11",  or "12"

Grade-level aliases:

  • "-1" is an alias for "prek"
  • "0" is an alias for "kindergarten"
  • "k" is an alias for "kindergarten"
  • "13" is an alias for "adult"
 None student, classroom
initial placement

Initial Placement Level is used for a student’s initial placement in DreamBox. If this is not specified, the student’s placement in DreamBox will be based on the academic grade in the previous column.

Accepted initial placement values: 

"prek", "k", "kindergarten", "adult", "-1", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13"

None student
classroom name*

Name of a classroom. This should be unique within a school.

What happens to different objects when associated with a classroom name:

  • When provided for a classroom object row, this cell defines the classroom's name.
  • When provided for a student or educator object row, this names the student’s or educator’s primary classroom.
None classroom, student, educator
subject Classroom subject None classroom
school name*

Name of a school. This should be unique within the district.

What happens to different objects when associated with a school name:

  • When provided for a school object row, this defines the name of the school.
  • When provided for a classroom object row, this names the school to which the classroom belongs.
  • When provided for a student or educator object row, this names the student or educator primary school.
None school, classroom, student, educator
school address 1* School address None school
school address 2 School address None school
school city* School city None school
school state*

School state, province or region

Note: For US and Canada, this must be valid two character abbreviation, if specified.

None school
school zip* School zip or postal code None school
phone School phone number None school
school low grade

Lowest grade level taught at school

Accepted values for school low grade: "prek", "k", "kindergarten", "adult", "-1", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13"

None school
school high grade

Highest grade level taught at school

Accepted values for school high grade: "prek", "k", "kindergarten", "adult", "-1", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13"

None school
time zone

The timezone associated with each school, classroom, educator, and studen

Note: Timezones should be entered using ISO timezone names, like  "America/New_York", or "America/Los_Angeles"

None ALL
school administrator

Indicates if educator is an administrator of the school identified by the school name column

Accepted values: 'Y' or 'N'

N educator
district administrator

Indicates if educator is an administrator of the district

Accepted values: 'Y' or 'N'

N educator


Building Your Single File Spreadsheet

When building your file, use a CSV (comma-separated value) format. Follow the tips below to build and format your file successfully the first time. 

Element Tip
File Header Row Each file must contain a header row. Headers must be named exactly as specified in the attached template and use line breaks between rows.
Field Values Field values must be separated by commas. If a field value contains a comma, then the field value itself must be enclosed in double quotes. If a field value contains a double quote, then two double quotes should be substituted ("").


Transmitting Your File

  • Every time you transmit the file, it must contain all schools, educators, classrooms, and students that will be using DreamBox. All data changes will be processed, but the file must be complete each time.
  • If your file contains only updated information rather than all of your schools and rosters, then any object that is no longer included on the file will be deleted in DreamBox.
  • Each file should be self-contained. This means that it does not reference objects defined in another file.


Need Additional Assistance?

If you have any questions, please contact DreamBox Customer Support via LiveChat, submitting a ticket, or phone call. We would be happy to help. 

Download the ARM Single File CSV Templates

Click the attachment below to download the zipped file of both single file CSV template options. 

DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Constantly learning_50px.png If using DreamBox SSO, complete the DreamBox-ARM-template_samlID.csv file. If not, use the DreamBox-ARM-template.csv file.



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