How 3rd-8th Grade Students Track Their Progress in DreamBox Math

Students playing DreamBox Math lessons in the 3-8th grade learning environments can see how many weeks in a row they have reached their lesson completion goals and track their learning over time.

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Lesson Completion, Week Streak, & Session Stats

The lesson tracking panel on the right side of the screen shows students' time and lesson completion totals from their most recent session and current week, based on a weekly lesson completion goal of 5 lessons per week. 

DB-Icons_010192022_Constantly learning_50p.png DreamBox Math weeks begin Sunday and end Saturday. 


(Click the image to enlarge it)

As they play, students can track their progress toward their goal. The tab will open to congratulate them when they reach this goal the first week - beginning a "Week Streak". Each consecutive week the student completes 5 lessons their Week Streak will grow. If a student does not complete 5 lessons during a week, their Week Streak count will start over. 


Student Stats & Achievements

The stats and achievements pages can be found inside My Stuff in the 3-8th grade environments. Using stats and achievements, students can track their learning as they progress through the Math curriculum, and see how many lessons they've completed, how much time they have spent playing, and their longest Week Streak. Students can also share a snapshot of their progress with their teacher. Click here to learn more about student stats & achievements. 

DB-Icons_010192022_Constantly learning_50p.png Home Subscriber students can access the Achievements page, but not the Stats page. Students using DreamBox through a School subscription can access both pages. 


Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn more about the Student Stats and Achievement page. 



Q: Why is the weekly lesson completion goal 5 lessons per week?

A: We set the target at 5 lessons per week based on an analysis of multiple years of student growth and performance using millions of anonymized student achievement data points. This research shows that completing 5 or more lessons per week is an inflection point for significant student growth in both mathematics comprehension and performance on external tests.

Q: Can an educator change a student’s goal from 5 lessons to another number?

A: Teachers can continue to set and communicate weekly goals for students as they have in the past. At this time, teachers cannot change the weekly goals that students see within DreamBox. The Insight dashboard will continue to record all completed lessons, though the goal counter in the student experience will only celebrate at 5, 10, and 15 completed lessons.

Q: Can students exceed their weekly goal and keep playing and completing lessons?

A: Students will always be allowed to exceed their goal and continue playing in DreamBox. Once the initial 5-lesson goal has been completed, DreamBox will initiate a new goal of 10 (and this will increase by 5 each time, up to 15 lessons). The Insight Dashboard will continue to record all completed lessons, though the goal counter in the student experience will only celebrate at 5, 10, and 15 completed lessons.


Looking for How Grades K-2 Students Track Their Progress?

Click here to learn more about how Kindergarten - 2nd grade students track their progress in DreamBox Math.


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