Setting Up Your Login Method for DreamBox Math and DreamBox Reading Park

Ideally, all students and staff use the same method to access DreamBox Math or Reading Park. This article will walk through each of the login method options and link to additional information about each method. 


Which Login Method Can I Use for Math, Reading Park, or Both?

The product/s and rostering method you use will determine which login method you need to set up. 

Rostering Method
Reading Park
Automated Roster Management
Single Sign-On: Clever SSO
Automated Roster Management
Single Sign-On: ClassLink OAuth
DreamBox Automated Roster Management NA
DreamBox Math
Insight Roster Upload
Direct Login only: Math Direct Login NA

Reading Direct Manual Import

NA Direct Login only: Reading Direct Login


DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Constantly learning_50px.png If your district is using both Math and Reading Park, you must use the same automated rostering method and login method for both products.


Single Sign-On Login Methods​​​​​

Clever Single Sign On (SSO)

You can share data with multiple learning applications via Clever. Clever SSO combined with Clever Instant Login enables students, teachers, and administrators to log in to one portal and access all your DreamBox applications. Clever supports many different authentication methods. Clever SSO and Instant Login must be used in conjunction with Clever roster sharing.

DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Constantly learning_50px.png Click here to learn more about setting up Clever SSO and Instant Login.

ClassLink Single Sign-On (SSO)

ClassLink Single Sign-On (SSO) enables students, teachers, and admins to log in to DreamBox products and any additional applications with which you share data via ClassLink, accessing all online learning applications from the same place. Students can log in to DreamBox using either their unique ClassLink portal address or through another existing SSO portal (such as a district portal or other learning management system).

DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Constantly learning_50px.png Click here to learn more about setting up ClassLink SSO (both OAuth and SAML).

DreamBox Single Sign-On

DreamBox Single Sign-On (SSO) enables students, teachers, and administrators to access DreamBox Math after they log in to their district portal without having to log in a second time. DreamBox SSO must be used in conjunction with DreamBox ARM

DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Constantly learning_50px.png Click here to learn more about setting up DreamBox SSO.


Direct DreamBox Login

Math Direct Login

Direct Math login method and is automatically configured when rosters are set up using all rostering methods except Reading Manual Roster Import. All staff and students will log in via one of these options:


DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Constantly learning_50px.png


  • Unless Math Direct Login is disabled in a district, all users can log in this way regardless of rostering method. 
  • All manually* created students, teachers, and administrators must sign in via Direct Login. *Created via the educator dashboard or Insight Roster Upload vs an automated rostering method. 

What is a DreamBox Math School URL? 
When a school is created in DreamBox Math, they are assigned a specific, unique, URL that opens a secure sign-in page for the school.

  • Teachers and administrators enter their district email address as their username and a password they set the first time they log in to their accounts.
  • Students either type the username and password listed in the Math Insight Dashboard or select their classroom, their first name, and then select an image. Student login type is set at the Classroom level inside the Insight Dashboard.
  • Parents enter the email address and password they set when they created their parent account.
DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Constantly learning_50px.png Click here to learn how to find your unique school DreamBox Math URL. 


Reading Direct Login

Direct Reading Login is automatically configured when rosters are set up using Reading Direct Manual Import. Staff and students will log in via the DreamBox Reading login page.

To log in:

  • Educators need their username and password.
  • Students need their username, password, and school site code. 
DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Constantly learning_50px.png Click here to learn where to find the school site code in the Reading educator dashboard. 



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