DreamBox Math Teacher-Student Messaging: Overview

Teachers can send original or pre-created messages to their students from the Home page of their DreamBox Math dashboard to:

DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Calendar_50.png Remind students to complete an assignment that is about to expire.
Students_Orange.png Encourage students who may be struggling.
Award Winning_Dark Blue.png

Celebrate student understanding and achievement.

Students can see these messages and reply with one of several emojis or select a message and include a screenshot.  

(Aviso: Pulsa aquí para leer el artículo en español)

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Looking for information on how students see and respond to messages? Click here to open our article on Student-Teacher messaging. 


Teacher Messaging Basics & FAQs

Can I send a message to one student or the entire class?

You can do both from the Home page in your educator dashboard. 

  • Click here to jump to single-student instructions.
  • Click here to jump to instructions to send a message to your entire class. 

How long will messages be visible in DreamBox Math?

Teachers and students can see messages up to 90 days after the message was sent.

Are there ready-made messages I could send?

Yes. You can select and send short pre-created messages to students, organized into five themes. The student will see the theme emoji and the message. 

Encouragement.png ENCOURAGEMENT Reminders.png REMINDERS Miscellaneous.png MISCELLANEOUS
Celebrations.png CELEBRATIONS Goal Setting.png GOAL SETTING    


What supports are in place for emerging readers to ensure they can see and understand the messages?

We support emerging readers and writers in several ways:

  1. Pre-created messages are short and designed to be accessible by readers of different levels.
  2. Students can also click on the speaker icon to have the teacher's message or a possible response read to them. If the text of the message or possible response is in Spanish, it will be read in Spanish.
  3. Students can react to a message using an emoji rather than selecting a response. 
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn more about the ways students can see, read, or listen to messages. 

Can I write my own messages to students?

Yes! Teachers can write original messages or select a pre-created message.

Can I send messages in English or Spanish?

If you send a pre-created message and your student’s environment is set to Spanish, they will see the message translated into Spanish. However, if you create and send an original message, it will not be translated based on the student's language settings. The student will see the message as you typed it.


Sending a Message to the Entire Class

Opening messaging:

  • Select Home in the top navigation pane, select the class you want to message, and click the New Message button in the top right corner.
Updated Teacher Student Messaging_Click New Message.png

 Sending an original message:

After you select the New Message button:

  • If it is not already selected, click the Compose tab and type your message. When you are finished, click Send.

Updated Teacher Student Messaging_Entire Class_Compose Message.png

  • You will see a confirmation that your message was sent to the entire class.

Updated Teacher Student Messaging_Entire Class_Confirmation.png

Sending a pre-created message:

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: If you already created an original message in the Compose tab, selecting a pre-created message will replace your original message.

After you select the New Message button:

  • Click the Themes tab, scroll through the pre-created message options, and select the one you want to send.

Updated Teacher Student Messaging_Entire Class_Pre Created Message.png

  • Click Send. You will see a confirmation your message was sent to the entire class.

Updated Teacher Student Messaging_Entire Class_Confirmation_PreCreated.png

Sending a Message to an Individual Student

When you send a message to a specific student, you will see all the messages they have received from you.

Opening messaging:

  • Select Home in the top navigation, select the classroom you want to view, and then click the Message icon next to a student name in the Student Usage section
Updated Teacher Student Messaging_Click Message Icon.png

Sending an original message:

After you select the Message icon:

  • Click the text field at the bottom of the messaging window and type your message.

Updated Teacher Student Messaging_Single Student_Original Message.png

  • When you have finished your message, click Send. You will see a confirmation your message was sent to the selected student.

Updated Teacher Student Messaging_Single Student_Confirmation_Original.png

Sending a pre-created message:

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: If you already typed an original message in the messaging window, selecting a pre-created message will replace your original message.

After you select the Message icon:

  • Click the Themes button, scroll through the pre-created message options, and select the one you want to send. The message emoji and text message will appear in the message feild.

Updated Teacher Student Messaging_Single Student_PreCreated Message.png

  • After you select the message, click Send. You will see a confirmation your message was sent to the selected student.

Updated Teacher Student Messaging_Single Student_Confirmation_PreCreated.png


See When a Student Has Responded

Teachers can see if a student has reached out in the Student Usage section of the Home Page. You will see a red dot on the message icon next to each students’ name once they have read, reacted, or responded to a message. To see a student response:

  • Navigate to the Home Page and select the classroom you wish to view in the filters at the top of the page.
  • Select the Message icon next to the student’s name. The Messaging window opens showing their latest response.
  • If the student sent a message with a screenshot, click the image to enlarge the screenshot.
  • Close the window when you are ready to exit.
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: After you close the window, the red dot will disappear, but the responses and messages will be visible the next time you open the window for up to 90 day


Additional Resources

Teacher-Student Messaging Resources

Messaging and Lessons: Explore What Students See

  • Click here to open an overview of Student-Teacher Messaging.
  • Teachers can see and explore specific lessons students are playing from the Activity Feed. Click here for more information.


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