DreamBox Math: Error Codes and Messages

While using DreamBox Math, you or your student may encounter an error code or an error message. This article provides an overview of possible error messages, possible resolution steps, and when it is time to contact DreamBox Customer Support for help.

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DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Constantly learning_50px.png Note: Depending on the error, you may not be able to resolve it independently. If you continue to receive the error or do not see the error listed below, please contact DreamBox Customer Support

Please use the quick links in the menu or look for the code number or specific message in the article below for steps to resolve the issue.

DB-Icons_20221116_1-Color_Constantly learning_50px.png

Use the Find or Search feature on your computer or tablet to locate the error code or the message text to find a specific error.   

  • On a Windows PC, type 'Ctrl+F'.

  • On a Mac, type '⌘+F'.

  • On a tablet, use the built-in search bar.


Family & Educator Sign-In and Usage Errors

Error Code or Message


10200 - "Invalid email or password. Please try again."

Confirm that you are using the correct email address and password for your account. Click the "Forgot Password?" link to reset your password.

10250 - "Please log in to the Family Dashboard to change your password."

Start by launching or switching to Safari on your iPad. Alternatively, you can use a browser on any other device and navigate to play.dreambox.com to sign in to the dashboard. After signing in, you should be prompted with instructions to change your password.


Please contact DreamBox Customer Support. 

500-0-x-x-x-xxxxxxxx - "Sorry, there was a problem retrieving the requested data. Sometimes refreshing or logging in again can resolve this."

If you recently added a new student to your Family Dashboard, or if your teacher account was just recently created, it can take up to 24 hours for the data to sync up and be ready to view. Please try again later. If you continue to receive the error after 24 hours, please contact us

New students are not yet ready to be displayed

If you recently added a new student to your Family Dashboard, it can take up to 24 hours for the data to sync up and be ready to view. Please try again later.


Clever & Clever Single Sign-On Sign-in Errors

Error Code or Message


1000-1011, 1020-1026, 1030-1036, 1040, 1100-1110, 1200-1207

If you are receiving one of these error codes, please contact DreamBox Customer Support

1037 - "We're sorry, there has been a problem logging you into DreamBox. Please return to your login page to try again."

Try signing the student in again. If you continue to receive the error message:

  • Families: Reach out to your student's teacher.

  • Educators: Reach out to your building DreamBox administrator to confirm that the student is being shared with DreamBox. If you know the student has been shared with DreamBox Math, please contact DreamBox Customer Support

20060 - "Please visit your district's Single Sign-On Provider."

This error may be triggered when you sign in to the iPad app using the school code for your student’s classroom. Clicking Continue should redirect you to your district's Single Sign-On (SSO) provider.


ClassLink & ClassLink Single Sign-On Sign-In Errors

Error Code or Message


1200, 1220 - 1224,1231 - 1233,  1250 -  1254, 1260, 1270

If you are receiving one of these error codes, please contact DreamBox Customer Support

Error code: 1210

Try signing the student in again using the DreamBox Math icon in the ClassLink Launchpad. If you continue to receive the error message:

  • Families: Reach out to your student's teacher.

  • Educators: Reach out to your building DreamBox Math administrator to confirm that the student is being shared correctly with DreamBox Math. If that is the case, please contact us.

Error code: 1211

It's possible that the ClassLink login credentials are not correct. Confirm with the teacher if the student is using the correct username and password. If you continue to receive the error message:

  • Families: Reach out to your student's teacher.

  • Educators: Reach out to your building DreamBox Math administrator to confirm that the student's ClassLink credentials are correct. If that is the case, please contact us.


 Student Sign-In & Usage Errors

Error Code or Message


10010 - "DreamBox encountered an error."

To resolve the error, please follow the troubleshooting steps found here.

10020 - "School code not valid. Please try again."

Confirm you are entering the correct school code. If you continue to see the error:

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to open instructions on how to find the school code on the Home page. 

10030 - "Classroom not found. Please try again."

Please contact DreamBox Customer Support. 

10040 - "Incorrect username or password. Please try again."

Confirm the student is using the correct username and password. If you continue to see the error:

  • Families: Contact the student's teacher. 

  • Educators: If your students are signing in at specific a DreamBox Math website for your school, you can view students' usernames and passwords on the educator dashboard. If your students sign in via a district portal or alternate site like Clever or Classlink you need to reach out to your building or district IT team.

10050 - "Please re-enter your password."

Confirm the student is using the correct username and password. If you continue to see the error:

  • Families: Contact the student's teacher. 

  • Educators: If your students are signing in at specific a DreamBox Math website for your school, you can view students' usernames and passwords on the educator dashboard. If your students sign in via a district portal or alternate site like Clever or Classlink you need to reach out to your building or district IT team.

10060 - "Incorrect username or password. Please try again."

Confirm the student is using the correct username and password. If you continue to see the error:

  • Families: Contact the student's teacher. 

  • Educators: If your students are signing in at specific a DreamBox website for your school, you can view students' usernames and passwords on the educator dashboard. If your students sign in via a district portal or alternate site like Clever or Classlink you will need to reach out to your building or district IT team.

10070 - "License not found. Please notify your teacher."

Please contact DreamBox Customer Support. 

10080 - "Student assigned to a different classroom. Please notify your teacher."

Confirm the student's correct classroom. 

10090 - "To continue playing DreamBox, you must upgrade to the current version. Please notify your teacher."

Confirm that the DreamBox Math app on your iPad has been updated to the most recent version of the app.

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png For instructions to update the app, click here.

10120 - "No classrooms found. Please notify your teacher."

Please contact DreamBox Customer Support. 

10210 - "Account setup incomplete. Please log in at play.dreambox.com on your web browser to complete setup."

Open Safari on your iPad or a web browser on any device, and then sign in at play.dreambox.com. Follow the instructions to finish setting up your account.

10220 - "Session expired. Please log in again."

Try signing in again. If you continue to receive the error, please contact DreamBox Customer Support. 

10230 - "DreamBox encountered an error. Please log in again."

Try signing in again. If you continue to receive the error, please contact DreamBox Customer Support. 

10240 - "No valid student licenses found."

Please contact DreamBox Customer Support. 

20010 - "Incorrect username or password. Please try again."

Confirm the student is using the correct username and password. If you continue to see the error:

  • Families: Contact the student's teacher. 

  • Educators: If your students are signing in at specific DreamBox Math website for your school, you can view students' usernames and passwords on the educator dashboard. If your students sign in via a district portal or alternate site like Clever or Classlink you will need to reach out to your building or district IT team.

"The specified user is not able to play at this time."

Confirm the student is active on the classroom roster.


Technical Errors

Error Code or Message


19999 - "DreamBox Learning is temporarily unavailable while we perform site maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience."

Please try again later.

20020 - "We are having trouble communicating with DreamBox. Please try again."

Please try again later. If you continue to receive the error, please contact DreamBox Customer Support. 

20040 - "An error occurred. Please log in again."

Try signing in again. If you continue to receive the error, please contact DreamBox Customer Support. 

20050 - "URL not recognized. Please update DreamBox Math or log in again."

Confirm that the DreamBox Math app on your iPad has been updated to the most recent version of the app. 

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png For instructions on how to update the app, click here.

30001-30017, 30025-30030

Please contact DreamBox Customer Support. 


Confirm that you do not have firewall settings or parental control software that may be preventing DreamBox from connecting to your network. Please contact us if the error continues after adding DreamBox to your whitelists/security filters or after disabling security.

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png For more information, click here.


Confirm that the user is not signed in to two devices (such as on an iPad and a computer). If you continue to receive the error, please contact DreamBox Customer Support. 


Confirm the DreamBox Math app has the most recent update. If you continue to receive the error, please contact DreamBox Customer Support. 

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png For instructions on how to update the app, click here. 


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