Troubleshooting Tips: Computer

This article outlines how to address the most common issues students may have while playing DreamBox Math, Reading Plus, or Reading Park on a computer, laptop, or Chromebook.

(Aviso: Pulsa aquí para leer el artículo en español) (Math only)

Network Issues

If a student is kicked out of their account in the middle of a lesson or if you see the error message, "Unable to access DreamBox at this time," there is a strong chance that something is interfering with your internet connection. If students are experiencing errors playing at the same time at your building, your connection may not be strong enough to handle the number of students playing at the same time.

  • Educators: Contact your school, district, or board IT department for internet connection issues.
  • Families: If you are a parent or home subscriber, you may need to contact your Internet Service Provider.

System Requirements

Your internet browser or computer settings may not meet the minimum requirements to run DreamBox Math, Reading Park, or Reading Plus. 

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See or check device system requirements:


Ad-Filtering Software and Third-Party Cookies

If you have ad-filtering software installed in your Chrome browser, like AdBlock, you may need to disable it for the program to work properly.

To determine if your browser has an ad-blocker installed:

  • Click the Customize and Control Google Chrome (three vertical dots) menu button in the upper right-hand corner of the browser bar. 
  • Under More Tools, select Extensions.
  • Review the extensions installed for your browser. If you have any ad-blocking extensions installed (examples include AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, uBlock Origin), please refer to their site documentation for instructions on disabling the service for specific websites.

To enable third-party cookies within Chrome:

  • Click the Customize and Control Google Chrome (three vertical dots) menu button in the upper right-hand corner of the browser bar. 
  • Click Settings 
  • Scroll down to the Privacy and security section.
  • Click Site Settings
  • Select Cookies and site data
  • In the Privacy and Security section, click Content Settings 
  • Click the slider to Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended).


Possible Error Codes (Math)

If you receive an error code while using DreamBox Math, there may be specific steps to resolve the issue. For a list of possible error codes and resolutions for Math, click here.


Web Browser Troubleshooting

Update your web browser to the most recent version

Make sure web browsers on all devices have been updated to the most recent version. The latest versions of Chrome, Edge, Safari, and Firefox, as well as the current ESR version of Firefox – are always supported.

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png If you have questions about additional browsers, click here to learn more or reach out to our Customer Support Team

Restart your web browser

Sometimes browsers get "stuck" if they have been open for a long time, if they have many tabs and windows open at the same time, or if you are running many different programs. To help the browser run smoothly again, close all open browser windows and shut down any programs you don't need. Then try opening a new browser window and log back into DreamBox.

Try a different web browser

Many issues can be resolved simply by trying a different web browser. Open a different browser than the one you are currently using. Common browsers include:

image.png Google Chrome image.png Mozilla Firefox
image.png Microsoft Edge image.png Apple Safari

Clear your browser cache

Web browsers store a large amount of information as you browse the internet. As a result, your browser may fill up with unnecessary cookies and other website data that affect its performance. This can cause the DreamBox screen to appear blank or solid blue after you log in. Clearing your browser cache will clean up specific types of stored data and most often resolves the issue. This is typically a simple process and normally takes less than five minutes. We recommend referring to your browser's Help menu for precise instructions on clearing your cache, but for general directions on how to do this in each of the four major web browsers, click here.


Need Additional Help?

If you need additional help, please reach out to our Customer Support team.


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