DreamBox Math Student Experience: Navigating the Grades 3-5 and 6-8 Learning Environments

Students can use various buttons to help them navigate the learning environment and perform specific tasks while they work.  The 3rd-5th grade and 6th-8th grade environments use the same buttons, though they look different depending on the environment.

(Aviso: Pulsa aquí para leer el artículo en español)

The Toolbar Buttons

Students use toolbar buttons to navigate the environment and are always visible regardless of the page or activity. They can switch between lessons and learning incentives, get lesson help, adjust sound, and see their avatar and coin total. 

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What can students see and do in My Stuff?

From My Stuff, 3rd-8th grade students can view the badges they’ve earned, play mini-games they unlock, and use their coins to purchase additional avatars, background music, and wallpapers. They can also track their progress through the DreamBox Math curriculum.

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  • Click here to learn more about My Stuff.
  • Click here to learn more about Student Stats and Achievements.


What can students adjust in Settings?

Inside Settings, students can turn background music, overall sound, and closed captions on and off. They can also adjust the narration voice. 

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  • Click here to learn more about adjusting music, sound, closed captions, and narration voice. 
  • Click here to learn more about closed captions.


The Lesson Tracking Panel

The lesson tracking panel on the right side of the screen shows students' time and lesson completion totals from their most recent session and current week, based on a weekly lesson completion goal of 5 lessons per week.

To open the panel, click the tab on the right side of the screen. 

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Click here to learn more about how students track their progress in the grades 3+ learning environments.


The Information, Messages & Feedback Buttons

The buttons on the bottom of the student environment allow the student (or learning guardian) to see what version of DreamBox Math they are playing, access policy documents, set up a free school family account, or see and send teacher messages and DreamBox Math feedback. These are always visible, regardless of the page or activity. 

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(Click image to enlarge it)

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  • Click here to learn more about Student-Teacher messaging
  • Click here to open instructions about how to send DreamBox Math feedback. 


Lesson Navigation

Within DreamBox Math lessons, students will use various tools and manipulatives to explore a mathematical concept. The tools will adjust to best fit the mathematical concept and lesson type. However, there are two buttons a student will see across lessons that allow them to get hints on the problem they are working through or pause the lesson and return to the My Lessons page. 

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The Hint button

Students can click the Hint button to get suggestions about how to solve a problem during a lesson. Hints correspond with the section of the problem that students need to complete first. Students can open a limited number of new hints during the same problem. When there are no new hints to share, they will see the last hint they heard again. 


How does a student know they have completed a lesson?

When a student has completed a lesson, several things will happen:
  • The progress bar at the bottom of the lesson will fill completely.
  • They will see a congratulatory message.
  • A lightning bolt will fill the stars at the bottom of a lesson.
  • Their lesson tracker will open, showing an additional lesson has been added.
  • Their lessons may update, opening new lessons or a nanogame.

Watch the video below of a student completing a lesson in the 6th-8th grade environment.

Additional Resources 

click the links below to open more Learning Environment Resources, or select another article from the left navigation panel on your screen. 


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