DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Remove Students from a Classroom

As a teacher, school-level administrator, or district-level administrator, you may be able to remove students from a classroom roster from inside the teacher Settings section of your dashboard. 

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Looking for directions on how to add students to a classroom? Click here to open the instructions. 


Before You Begin

Confirm your permissions

Your DreamBox Math role and dashboard access permissions affect whether you can edit or view a classroom roster. Click here to learn more about dashboard rostering access and permissions.

Administrator Access to Teacher Settings

This article describes how to remove a student from a classroom from the Roster tab inside the Teacher Settings section. If you are a school or district-level DreamBox Math administrator, click here to learn how to open teacher Settings.


What Happens to Student Data When You Remove a Student?

If you remove a student from a classroom, the student will no longer appear in the classroom roster or reports, but the student and their progress will remain in the DreamBox system.

Unless the student is part of another active DreamBox Math classroom, they can no longer sign in and play lessons in DreamBox Math.


Removing a Student from a Classroom

  • Click the Settings icon in the top navigation pane, and then select the Roster tab.

Updated Teacher Settings tab_Open Roster.png 

  • If you can access more than one classroom and need to choose a different class, select the class from the Select Class drop-down list. The class roster updates. If the correct classroom is already selected, skip to Step 3



  • Click the Trash Can icon next to the student you wish to remove. The student will disappear. You can remove multiple students at a time from the same classroom. When you are finished making changes, click Update to save all classroom roster changes.

Updated Teacher Settings_Roster Tab_Delete Student.png



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