Updating Math Educators, Students & Classrooms (Educators)
Open directions to add, update, or adjust permissions for educator and student accounts from your dashboard. You can also adjust classroom rosters, and change students' passwords, learning environment restrictions, lesson language, and more.
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Change Student Language (Teachers)
This article walks through how teachers can adjust the language their students' see in...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Update an Unassigned Educator (District Administrators)
This article walks through how a district admininstrator can open and update an unassi...
DreamBox Math: Educator and Student Account Management FAQs
This article answers the most frequently asked questions about how to manage and updat...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Update an Educator's Role (Administrators)
DreamBox Math school and district administrators may be able to update an educator's D...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Update Educator's Name (Administrators)
DreamBox Math Administrators can update educator's first and last names from the Educa...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: The Educators Tab (Administrators)
This article provides an overview of the Educator's tab in DreamBox Math administrator...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: View or Edit Dashboard Permissions
Not all educators can edit students, teachers, and classroom rosters in their DreamBox...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Open Teacher Settings as an Administrator
From a teacher's Settings tabs, DreamBox Math administrators can: Update classroom se...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: How Can I View a Teacher’s Home Page as an Administrator?
School and district-level administrators in DreamBox Math can view a teacher’s Home Pa...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Managing Classroom Rosters and Logins if your District Uses Clever
Clever automates the secure transfer of student rosters between your student informati...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Print Student Login Cards (Home Page)
Educators connected to a classroom can print cards with students' Direct Login sign-in...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: How to Adjust a Student's Learning Environment
This article walks through how educators can move a student from the K-2nd grade learn...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Editing Classroom Engagement Restrictions
From the teacher's Settings tab in the educator dashboard, teachers, school-level admi...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Edit Your Classroom Name and Settings
As a teacher, school-level administrator, or district-level administrator, you may be ...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Edit Student Details
As a teacher, school-level administrator, or district-level administrator in DreamBox ...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Add Students to a Classroom
As a teacher, school-level administrator, or district-level administrator, you may be ...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Remove Students from a Classroom
As a teacher, school-level administrator, or district-level administrator, you may be ...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: How to Change the Classroom Password Type
From the educator dashboard, teachers can select whether all students in a classroom u...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Add and Remove Teachers from a Classroom
Teachers and administrators may be able to add educators to an existing classroom or a...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Create a Teacher or Administrator
District and school administrators may be able to add new teachers or administrators t...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Edit Your Name and Details in DreamBox
As a teacher, you may be able to edit your account details from inside the Settings se...
DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Move or Copy Students into Classrooms in Bulk (Administrators)
If you are a school or district-level DreamBox administrator with Edit Access in the I...