DreamBox Math: Launchpad FAQs

This article focuses on frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Launchpad placement assessment.

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Looking for a Launchpad or the Growth report article?

  • Click here to learn more about the Launchpad assessment. 
  • Click here to learn how to see Launchpad results on the Growth report. 
  • Click here to learn more about the Growth report. 


General Launchpad FAQs

Q: Can students still message their teachers while playing Launchpad?

 A: Yes, students still have access to Student-Teacher messaging while completing the Launchpad. 

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn more about the DreamBox Math messaging feature in the student experience. 


Q: When Launchpad is activated, will students be able to access lessons or other DreamBox Math activities?

 A: If Launchpad has been activated in a district, students will not be able to open DreamBox Math lessons until they have completed Launchpad. Students will be able to access incentives like My House, Arcade, and My Stuff unless their teachers have restricted access. 

Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn how to restrict access to My House, Arcade, or My Stuff (Games, Collections, etc) 


Q: Does completing Launchpad count as a lesson in DreamBox Math metrics?

A: No. Launchpad data is not counted as part of any Total Lessons metrics. Time spent in Launchpad does count toward students' total time in DreamBox. 


Q: If students are opted out of Launchpad, are they still able to play DreamBox Math lessons and games?

A: Yes. Students in Launchpad districts will still be able to access all DreamBox Math lessons and games, but educators will not be able to see and track their growth. Instead of an initial and current standing in the Growth Report, educators will see the message: "This student has not been placed", and will not see any data for that student. 

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  • Click here to learn more about initial standing in DreamBox Math. 
  • Click here to learn more about the Growth Report. 


Q: If students are opted out of Launchpad, will DreamBox Math still adapt as they play and complete lessons?

A: Yes. The DreamBox Math adaptive engine will continue to assess student understanding as they play and complete lessons, building a personalized learning path for each student. However, educators will not be able to monitor their growth as they play in the Growth report. 


Q: I originally opted one of my students out of Launchpad, but I think they are ready for the Launchpad assessment now and I would like them to take it. What should I do?

A: Reach out to DreamBox Customer Support and share the following information:

If the student has never completed Launchpad If the student has completed Launchpad
  • The student's school ID number (do not share their first or last name).
  • Request that the student be opted back into Launchpad.  
  • The student's school ID number (do not share their first or last name).
  • Let them know that this student needs to retake Launchpad.
  • Request that the Support Specialist performs a preservative retake, and share the desired starting grade level for Launchpad. 


Q: Will students play through the same activities if they retake Launchpad during the same school year?

 A: Maybe. Similar to DreamBox Math lessons, the Launchpad placement assessment will adjust as students complete tasks. If a student had help or did not take the Launchpad seriously the first time they completed it, they may see a very different set of tasks when they take it again. If a student only needs a slight placement adjustment, they may see some of the same tasks they did before. 


Q: If students completed Launchpad during the previous school year, will they need to take it again at the beginning of the next school year?

 A: Yes. If a district has activated Launchpad, students need to complete Launchpad at the beginning of each school year to determine where they should begin in the DreamBox Math curriculum for the new school year and populate their initial standing on the Growth report. 

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  • Click here to learn more about how a student's initial standing is determined in DreamBox Math. 
  • Click here to learn more about the Growth report. 


Q: If students completed Launchpad during the previous school year, will they see the same tasks and activities when they play through it again at the beginning of the next school year?

 A: No. Students have experienced a year of math growth and understanding since they first completed Launchpad, and they have been promoted to a new grade level. It is unlikely they will see the same tasks and activities as they did the previous year. 


Activating Launchpad FAQs 

Q: As a district administrator, how do I activate Launchpad?

A: District administrators activate Launchpad from the Launchpad tab in their educator dashboard. Click here to open the DreamBox Math Implementation Resources page to access:

  • Launchpad activation directions
  • Implementation planning resources
  • District communication templates. 

Launchpad FAQs_Activating Launchpad_Implementation Page.png

(Click image to enlarge it.)


Q: As a district administrator, do I need to activate Launchpad at the beginning of each new school year?

A: No. Launchpad will remain activated unless a district administrator contacts DreamBox Customer Support to request that Launchpad be deactivated. 


Q: As a school administrator or a teacher, do I need to activate Launchpad or assign it to students?

A: No. Launchpad is activated by a district administrator.  After Launchpad is activated in a district and the school year has begun, students will see the Launchpad rocket when they sign in. All students need to do to start the placement assessment is click the rocket. 

  • School administrators do not need to activate Launchpad. 
  • Teachers do not need to activate or assign Launchpad. 
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png
  • Click here to open direction on how to check if Launchpad has been activated in your district. 
  • Click here to learn more about how teagetting students students started with the Launchpad assessment


Launchpad Timing FAQs

Q: Can Launchpad be used as a pre or post-assessment during Summer School?

A: No. District administrators cannot activate Launchpad for the district until the first day of the current school year. When the school year ends, Launchpad is no longer available. Launchpad will not be available during summer school. 


Q: This is our second year using Launchpad. When will it be available to students?

A: As long as Launchpad remains activated in your district, it will be available to students on the first day of the new school year as it appears in the DreamBox Math educator dashboard 

To check district school-year dates, open the Reports page. The dates are listed near the top-right corner of the screen. 

Reports Page_Check School Year Dates.png
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: If the Reports page shows the start and end dates of the previous school year or incorrect start and end dates for the current school year, please contact DreamBox Customer Support


Q: A new student just joined my class. Will they be able to complete Launchpad?

A: Yes! New students will automatically be assigned Launchpad when added to your DreamBox Math classroom roster during the school year. When the new student logs in for the first time, they will see the Launchpad rocket and be prompted to start the assessment. 

Q: One of my students accidentally started Launchpad early. Is it possible for them to restart it?

A: Yes! Please confirm the student's school student ID number, their desired Launchpad starting grade level, and then reach out to DreamBox Customer Support.

  • Share the student's school ID number (do not share their first or last name).
  • Let them know that this student needs to retake Launchpad.
  • Request that the Support Specialist performs a preservative retake, and share the desired starting grade level.
Q: After a student starts Launchpad, how much time do they have to complete it before it resets and they need to start over?

A: After they start the Launchpad assessment, students have 30 days to complete it before it resets. 

Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: It will take most students 15-45 minutes to complete Launchpad. Students can pause and resume Launchpad without needing to start over.
Q: Will students need to complete Launchpad every year?

A: Yes, as long as Launchpad remains activated in the district. 




Launchpad Placement FAQs

Q: I want to make sure my students' Launchpad starting point is the right placement for their understanding. How do I do this?

A: The most effective way to do this is dependent on students' DreamBox Math login status:

  • Students who have NEVER logged in to DreamBox Math: Review their Initial Placement level in your educator dashboard. If their placement level needs to be adjusted, you can do this directly from your educator dashboard.
Support Icons_Learn More_50px.png Click here to learn more about how to see and update students' initial placement from your dashboard.  
  • Students who have logged in to DreamBox Math: Please confirm the student's school student ID number, their desired Launchpad starting grade level, and then reach out to DreamBox Customer Support and request a Curricular Placement Reset. 


Q: One of my students completed Launchpad but their placement isn't quite right. Can I request that their placement is reset?

A: We recommend that you first request a preservative Launchpad retake, possibly updating the student's Launchpad starting point to a different grade level. The student could retake Launchpad, have a different experience as it adapts to their responses, but retain all proficiency they gained after completing Launchpad. A preservative Launchpad retake should better target their 'just right' placement. To request a Launchpad retake:

  • Gather the following details: Student school student ID, and determine if they need a different grade level starting point.
  • Reach out to DreamBox Customer Support and request that this student retakes the Launchpad. Share the student ID (do not share the student's name via chat or email), grade level, and request that the Support Specialist performs a preservative retake
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: When a student completes Launchpad a second time their starting point in the Growth Report will update. Their growth data will be reset because they have a new starting point (Initial Standing).


Q: One of my students had help completing Launchpad, their current placement is incorrect, and they can no longer complete lessons independently. Can I request that their placement be reset?

A: We recommend that you request a destructive Launchpad retake, possibly selecting a lower grade level as a starting point. The student could retake Launchpad and complete the tasks on their own. It would remove any earned proficiency since completing Launchpad the first time. A destructive Launchpad retake should better target their 'just right' placement. To request a Launchpad retake:

  • Gather the following details: Student school student ID, and determine if they need a different grade level starting point.
  • Reach out to DreamBox Customer Support and request that this student retakes the Launchpad. Share the student ID (do not share the student's name via chat or email), grade level, and request that the Support Specialist performs a destructive retake
Support Icons_Tip Box_50px.png Note: When a student completes Launchpad a second time their starting point in the Growth Report will update. Because they have a new starting point (Initial Standing), their growth data will reset in the Growth Report.


Launchpad Completion & Initial Standing FAQs

Q: How do students resume the Launchpad after they pause it?

A: If a student starts the Launchpad placement assessment and then pauses it or signs out of DreamBox Math, all they need to do to resume it is to sign back into DreamBox Math. The Launchpad rocket will remain in the middle of the Adventure Park or My Lessons page, and students will not be able to open and play any lessons until they complete the entire Launchpad placement assessment. 


Q: Is there a way to see how far a student is in the Launchpad assessment?

A: Not at this time. 


Q: Where can I see Launchpad results? How do I know which students have completed the Launchpad?

A: When a student completes Launchpad, they will receive an initial standing placement on the Growth Report.

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Click here to learn how to see Launchpad results on the Growth report as a teacher or school administrator.


Q: What does the initial standing number mean? 

A: The number representing a student's initial standing corresponds to their starting point in DreamBox Math. For example:

Student 1 Initial Standing = 0.8 Student 1's starting point is close to 1st grade but not quite at 1st grade level. 
Student 2 Initial Standing = 1.1 Student 2's starting point is at the beginning of 1st grade. 
Student 3 Initial Standing = 1.8 Student 3's starting point is close to the end of 1st grade, near 2nd grade. 


Q: How long does it take for students' initial standing/Launchpad results to show up on the Growth Report? 

A: After a student completes the Launchpad placement assessment, their initial standing will appear in the Growth report the next day. 


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