From the Settings tabs in the educator dashboard, teachers can update classroom settings like language, learning environment and password type; adjust student names, review rosters, and create custom groups. This article provides an overview of each tab and links to instructions and additional information.
DreamBox Math Administrators: Looking for directions on how to open the teacher Settings tabs? Click here to open instructions. |
Settings Tabs Basics
What can teachers always view and update from the Settings tabs?
- See classroom rosters and student details on the Roster tab.
- Adjust student settings not associated with rosters like student login credentials, language in DreamBox Maths, and students' learning environment.
- Adjust classroom settings like engagement restrictions, password type, and academic standards in the Settings sections tabs.
Can some classroom settings options be locked for teachers?
Yes. District IT teams that update rosters using Clever or ClassLink often turn off the ability for teachers to:
- Add or remove students from their classrooms.
- Add or remove teachers from their classrooms.
Why would a district do this?
When a teacher updates students or teachers manually from their dashboard it can create issues for those students or teachers that could affect their access to the program.
Opening Teacher Settings (Teachers)
To open the Settings tab as a teacher:
- Click the Settings icon in the top navigation pane.
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The My Profile Tab
From the My Profile tab, teachers can update how their first and last name appears in DreamBox Math without impacting automated updates from their district. With Edit privileges, teachers can also add themselves to additional classrooms at a school.
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The Class Settings Tab
Inside the Class Settings tab, all teachers can set or update their classroom name, the language students see when they sign into DreamBox Math (English or Spanish), and Print Program and assessment available when creating Assignments. Teachers with edit access can also switch between Text or Picture password, update the overall classroom grade level, and add teachers to the classroom.
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The Engagement Restrictions Tab
Teachers can set the days and times students can access learning incentives like the Arcade, My House, My Stuff, and Collections from the Engagement Restrictions tab.
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The Roster Tab
From the Roster tab, all teachers can update student names, initial DreamBox Math placement (before first sign in) the language students see when they log into DreamBox Math (English or Spanish), and gender. Teachers with edit access can also update student Direct login username and password, enrolled grade level (not program placement), and add and remove students from the classroom.
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The Learning Environment Tab
Inside the Learning Environment tab, teachers can move students from the K-2nd grade learning environment to the 3rd-5th grade learning environment.
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The Groups Tab
Teachers can create custom groups and add students from their classrooms and then review usage and growth data for all students in the group.
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Click here to see all Groups help articles, including directions on how to create, delete, or see reporting data for a custom group. |
See Teacher Settings Tabs as an Administrator
As a DreamBox administrator, you can view a specific teacher's Settings tabs to see the settings they have selected or make adjustments for them. The teachers you can view depend on your DreamBox Math role.
- District administrators can see all teachers in the district.
- School administrators can see all teachers at your school/s.
Click here to open step-by-step instructions to view a teacher's Settings tabs. |