DreamBox Math Educator Dashboard: Administrator Settings Tabs

From the Settings tabs in the educator dashboard, DreamBox Math administrators can activate Launchpad, select which assessment framework or print program teachers see in DreamBox Math Assignments, add and update educators' roles, upload rosters and adjust classroom rosters, and create custom groups. This article provides an overview of each tab with links to instructions and additional information. 


Settings Tabs Basics

What can administrators always view and update from the Settings tabs?

  • Adjust settings not associated with rosters, like selecting which print program or assessment will be available when teachers create assignments at the district or school level. 
  • Create custom student groups across classrooms and schools and see the usage and growth data for these student groups. 

Can some administrator settings options be locked for administrators?

Yes. District IT teams that update rosters using Clever or ClassLink often turn off the ability for administrators to:

  • Create or update educators in the Educators tab.
  • Create classrooms, students, and staff members by uploading Student and Educator spreadsheets
  • Update classroom rosters through the dashboard Bulk Move/Copy tool. 

Why would a district do this?

When an administrator updates students, educators, or classroom rosters separately from their district IT team  it can affect students' and educators' access to DreamBox Math. 

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  • Click here to learn more about view or edit dashboard access, including how to determine which level of access you have. 
  • Click here to opemour classroom roster management recommendations if your district rosters via Clever.


Opening Administrator Settings

To open the Settings tabs as an administrator:

  • Click the Settings icon in the top navigation pane. 

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The Launchpad Tab

The DreamBox Math Launchpad assessment is an engaging, in-platform student assessment that helps correctly place students within the DreamBox Math curriculum and gives educators a better understanding of student growth. From the Launchpad tab:

  • District administrators can activate Launchpad for their entire district.
  • School administrators can see if Launchpad has been activated. 

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  • Click here to open district, school, and teacher-focused Launchpad implementation resources.
  • Click here to learn how DreamBox Math district administrators can activate Launchpad from their dashboard. 
  • Click here for an overview of Launchpad for teachers, including how to prepare devices and what students will see and do. 
  • Click here to learn how administrators and teachers can access student and school-wide Launchpad results. 
  • Click here to open Launchpad FAQs.


The District Tab (District Admin Only)

From the District tab, district administrators can select the print program and assessment framework all district teachers will see in the Assignments tool.  

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Note: School adminstrators and teachers will still be able to select a print program or assessment framework at the school or classroom level. 

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  • Click here to open instructions on how to update the print program teachers will use when creating assignments at the district level. 
  • Click here to see which print programs are supported in DreamBox Math. 
  • Click here to see directions on how to update the assessment teachers will use when creating assignments at the district level (NWEA, Quantile)


The School Tab

From the School tab, district and school administrators can select the print program and assessment framework all teachers at a school will see in the Assignments tool. 

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Note: Teachers will still be able to select a print program or assessment framework at the classroom level. 

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  • Click here to open instructions on how to update the Print Program teachers will use when creating assignments at the district level. 
  • Click here to see which print programs are supported in DreamBox Math. 
  • Click here to see directions on how to update the assessment teachers will use when creating assignments at the district level (NWEA, Quantile)


The Educators Tab

From the Educators tab, DreamBox Math administrators with edit access can:

  • View all DreamBox Math administrators and teacher accounts.
  • Edit educator account permissions (make a teacher an administrator and vice versa).
  • Create teacher and administrator accounts.
  • Update an educator's first or last name.
  • Update Unassigned educators (educators who are not associated with a school) and assign them to a school and classroom.

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The Roster Upload Tab

Administrators with edit access can use the Roster Upload tool to upload roster spreadsheets or update administrator accounts in bulk. 

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  • Click here to open an overview of the Insight Roster Upload process. 
  • Click here to open all help articles focusing on Insight Roster Upload. 
  • Click here to learn more about view or edit dashboard access, including how to determine which level of access you have. 


The Bulk Move Tab

Using the Bulk Move or Copy tool, administrators with edit access can move or copy existing students between classrooms.

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  • Click here to open instructions on how to move or copy students in the Bulk Move tab. 
  • Click here to learn more about view or edit dashboard access, including how to determine which level of access you have. 


The Groups Tab

Teachers can create custom groups and add students from their school/s and then review usage and growth data for all students in the group. 

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Click here to see all Groups help articles, including directions on how to create, delete, or see reporting data for a custom group.  


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